List of assassinations and toture of critics and opponents by - TopicsExpress


List of assassinations and toture of critics and opponents by Muhammad: A-Muhammad sent assassins Muhammad b muslama and silkan b salama and his companions to kill Kaab ibn ashraf for writing poems against him. B-Muhammad sent assassin Salim bin Umayr to kill jewish poet Abu Afaaq. C-Muhammad sent assassin Abdullah bin Rawaha to kill abu al-yusyr. D-Muhammad sent assassin Abdullah bin Unays to kill khalid bin sufyan. E-Muhammad sent assassins to kill Sallam ibn Abul-huqayq. F-Muhammad sent assassin Omair ibn Aadi to kill jewish poet asma bint marwan. Her crime was that she wrote a poem to denounce the murder of another poet abu afaaq at the hands of muhammad’s assassins. He too had written a poem against Muhammad. Omair entered her tent in the night and butchered her while she was sleeping surrounded by her kids. One of the kids was sucking on the breast. G- Muhammad ordered the torture of kinana ibn Rafi, the chief and the treasurer of the banu-nadir tribe to force him to disclose the hidden treasure. His men set fire on kninana’s chest to force him to speak. When kinana still refused to disclose, Muhammad ordered his henchman Abu-muslama to cut his head off. H-Umm qirfa ( fatima d. rabia b. badar ) of the tribe banu fazara from wadi’ al-qura was a very respected elderly woman, but She was opposed to muhammad’s claim of prophethood. Muhammad also did not like fact that a woman could be the head of the clan, so he sent his adopted son, Zayed bin Harith, to take care of her. Zayed ambushed her clan, slaughtered most the clan’s members and took her as a prisoner. Commander zayed then ordered Qays B. Al-musahhar to kill her crually. Qays tied her leg and arm on each side to a camel and drove both camels in opposite direction, therby tearing her body apart. Her severed head was carried to medina and paraded on the streets at the tip of spear on the orders of Muhammad as a warning to the people that islam does not approve woman as a clan chief. “sirat rasul allah” / page 664-665, by ibn ishaq, written in medina 1300 years ago, english edition recently printed in pakistan. facebook/zulfitareen1
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:47:40 +0000

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