List of shit men need to stop doing: Dont lie to women. Ever. - TopicsExpress


List of shit men need to stop doing: Dont lie to women. Ever. About anything. Dont tell people who youve slept with. Its none of their business plus you violate someone elses privacy when you do. Dont ditch your buddies to go get laid. It diminishes your credibility with your buddies & the girl. Dont blame women for your own insecurities or depend on them for your self-esteem. If you need a woman to validate you, youre in a load of trouble. Dont keep track of who did what for who in a relationship at any stage. Give because you want to give, not because you expect something in return. You decide where to go & do shit that you want to do while youre out on a date. That way youre guaranteed to have a good time regardless of her. Doesnt matter if you took her out a few times & paid. She doesnt owe you shit. Get used to it. Dont be a pussy. Speak up if shit isnt going the way you think it should. A temporary loss is worth a long term gain... & speaking up may save you a lot of time & energy. Respect yourself or she definitely wont... & be ready to walk away. Cut it out with the Bros before Hoes shit. There is gonna come a time, more than once usually, when you should be putting a woman first. Your buddies will understand. Thats completely different from ditching your buddies to get laid. Lastly, dont EVER go back on your word with a woman. If you say youre going to be there, be there. If you say youre going to do something do it. If you say youre not going to do something, dont. Its OK for them to be a little flaky & dance through the world. Thats why we love them. YOU... are a man & should have deep roots. Thats why they love us. #Mikesawyer #TWOTP
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 04:09:00 +0000

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