List your Justice for Trayvon Martin Assemblies WEDNESDAY, AUGUST - TopicsExpress


List your Justice for Trayvon Martin Assemblies WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 The momentum for Aug. 28 Trayvon Martin Justice Assemblies is building every day from New York City to El Paso, Texas to Los Angeles, California. With Aug. 28 just a few weeks away, the Peoples Power Assembly movement would like to gather and centralize as much information as possible on what is being organized in your local area. Please click here or go to - list your event to enter a summary of your event by Friday, Aug 16 including your city or town, time, location and sponsors of your event along with contact information. It will be posted the PPA website at - activities. This will allow others in your area to organize and support for your event. These assemblies can take the form of various protests including marches, rallies, speak outs, direct action, press conferences, block parties and more to help unite the struggles and movements. Also send in your endorsement as an organization, a representative of your organization or as individual for the Aug. 28 national call, at - endorse. Stop the War on Youth of Color Justice For Trayvon Martin – Jail Zimmerman! Overturn ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws! Free Marissa Alexander & CeCe McDonald Jobs & Education Not Mass Incarceration! End Racial Profiling of All Forms! Stop Racist Police Terror Including Stop-and-Frisk! Stop Deportations! Immigrant Rights Now A Living Wage and Union Rights for Low-Wage and All Workers! On Wed., August 28, after we’ve marched in Washington on Aug. 24 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the great march against racism in Washington, D.C., led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the People’s Power Assembly Movement calls on activists across the U.S. to hold local JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON MARTIN ASSEMBLIES, including rallies, speak-outs, marches in public squares or in front of federal buildings or local police headquarters. One of the most memorable lines of Dr. King’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech, delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Monument to over a quarter of a million freedom marchers, was, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” The Trayvon Martin verdict is only the most recent sign that Dr. King’s dream is still a nightmare for Black and Brown youth. There is a racist war against Black & Brown youth Youth of color are routinely profiled by the police, security personnel and self-appointed vigilantes like George Zimmerman. Trayvon Martin has become the face of the many young people who have been stopped-and-frisked and sometimes beaten and killed by the police. The police and the courts have created racially motivated drug laws that have been used as an excuse to incarcerate a huge percentage of young generations of Black and Brown youth. These same youth have the highest unemployment rate, and the jobs they are forced to take are low-wage jobs without benefits, rights or union representation. The anti-youth war also includes massive cuts in education, including school closings in Black and Brown communities. We must turn our anger over the lynching of Trayvon Martin into a new nationwide struggle to stop the war against Black and Brown youth. This is the best way to honor the legacy of the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Issued by the People’s Power Assembly Movement 212.633.6646 Join us at Facebook/PeoplesPowerAssemblies Follow our BRAND NEW Peoples Power Assemblies Twitter Page #riseup4trayvon #BuildPeoplesPower To endorse this call, click: Click here to download leaflet calling for endorsements
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:31:37 +0000

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