Listed below are the Planning Applications registered within - TopicsExpress


Listed below are the Planning Applications registered within #Cullompton North ward for the week ending 09/10/2014 Reference: 14/01636/CAT Works to Trees in a Conservation Area, registered 08/10/2014 Address: 8 Station Road Cullompton Devon EX15 1AH Description: Notification of intention to remove 2 Conifer trees within a Conservation Area Please refer to the link below for full details. Web link: Associated documents: __________________________________________________ Reference: 14/01652/FULL Full planning application, registered 03/10/2014 Address: Mole Valley Farmers Cullompton Devon EX15 1NU Description: Variation of condition 5,6 and 7 to allow noise from operations, use of plant, machinery or power tools and artificial illumination within the business hours of condition 2 of planning permission 14/01194/FULL Please refer to the link below for full details. Web link: Associated documents: __________________________________________________ Reference: 14/01653/FULL Full planning application, registered 02/10/2014 Address: Mole Valley Farmers Cullompton Devon EX15 1NU Description: Variation of condition 5,6 and 7 to allow noise from operations, use of plant, machinery or power tools and artificial illumination within the business hours of condition 2 of planning permission 14/01192/FULL Please refer to the link below for full details. Web link: Associated documents: __________________________________________________ Decisions made: Reference: 14/01246/ADVERT Grant permission, decision issued 02/10/2014 Address: Unit 2 Brook Road Cullompton Devon EX15 1FU Description: Advertisement Consent to display 1 internally illuminated fascia sign Please refer to the link below for full details. Web link: Associated documents: __________________________________________________ Major applications registered throughout Mid Devon: No new major applications have been registered. __________________________________________________ Major decisions made: Reference: 14/00537/MFUL Grant permission, decision issued 06/10/2014 Address: Land and Buildings at NGR 292868 101981 Silver Street Thorverton Devon Description: Demolition of agricultural buildings; redevelopment to form 20 dwellings (50% affordable), conversion of existing single storey building; formation of access and drainage infrastructure works REASON FOR APPROVAL OF PERMISSION/GRANT OF CONSENT The application provides 20 dwellings on the eastern edge of the village of Thorverton, 10 of which would be affordable dwellings. A S106 agreement has been agreed to ensure the provision of 10 of the dwellings as affordable housing with a tenure split of 80% Affordable rent and 20% shared ownership. A majority of the site contained former agricultural buildings and silage clamp, some remains of these structures are still on site but the site has not been used for agriculture for a number of years. A site has been sought for affordable housing in Thorverton for a very long time, and Policy DM9 of the Local Plan Part 3 (Development Management Policies) allows for cross subsidy development which enables this site to be considered favourably for development. The housing layout and design are considered to be acceptable and will not have a detrimental impact on the character or appearance of Thorverton or the Conservation Area, they are in accordance with Policies COR2 of the Mid Devon Core Strategy (Local Plan Part 1) and Policies DM2, DM14, DM15 and DM27 of the Local Plan Part 3 (Development Management Policies). The application has included a suitably designed link to the public highway as well as provision of an attenuation pond on land in the same ownership in order to deal with surface water from the development. The development will not have any adverse impacts on the residential amenity of occupiers of nearby properties, the closest of which are on the south side of Silver Street in accordance with Policy DM2 of the Local Plan Part 3 (Development Management Policies). The application is considered to be in accordance with planning policies and has been recommended for approval. Please refer to the link below for full details. Web link: Associated documents: __________________________________________________ Reference: 14/01073/MFUL Grant permission, decision issued 03/10/2014 Address: Land at NGR 300446 112360 (Bycott Farm) Lower Town Halberton Devon Description: Erection of an agricultural livestock building (3,811.7 sqm) (Revised Scheme) REASON FOR APPROVAL OF PERMISSION/GRANT OF CONSENT It is considered that the proposed development appears to be necessary for agricultural purposes and it would not harm the character and appearance of the landscape. The living conditions of nearby residential properties would not be harmed and highway safety would not be detrimentally affected. The proposal therefore accords with the aims and objectives of restricting development in the countryside whilst maintaining the presumption in favour of suitable agricultural works to aid the rural economy. The design is purely functional and has an agricultural appearance. On this basis the proposal complies with Policies COR2 and COR18 of the Mid Devon Core Strategy (Local Plan Part 1), Policies DM1, DM2, DM4, DM22 and DM27 of the Local Plan Part 3 (Development Management Policies), Policy AL/IN/6 of the Allocations and Infrastructure Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) and Government policy as contained in the National Planning Policy Framework. Please refer to the link below for full details. Web link: Associated documents:
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 11:57:59 +0000

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