Listen, Beloved....This is on my Heart to share wirh you, Right - TopicsExpress


Listen, Beloved....This is on my Heart to share wirh you, Right Now!...The day is approaching fast!....Learn, Ask, Seek, Prepare and Encourage one another to stick together and gather together, and be of one mind, one accord humbling yourselves, TOTALLY, in submission, To The Spirit of Christ JESUS! HE will make a way out of no way for us as PROPHECY is being fulfilled. Trust His leading[You KNOW this already, Just remember ].....We will lose power but we WONT lose THE Power!....We will lose light but we WONT lose THE Light!....We will witness chaos...but the PEACE OF GOD shall govern our Hearts and Minds....Stay wit me naa...There will be NO MORE FACEBOOKING, TWITTERING, INSTAGRAMMING, ETC....Just INSTAJESUS, TWITTERJESUS AND FACEJESUS,ETCETERA! ....Let me help you, today. ...I pray youre able to undetstand that NOTHING AND NO ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU FALLING IN LOVE WITH AND GETTING TO KNOW JESUS, PERSONALLY, FOR YOURSELF! .....Invite Him in today, begin the Royal Journey you were CALLED FOR...MADE FOR...And please FORGIVE the Christians on here and everywhere else putting EMPHASIS on the BLESSINGS rather than The ONE WHO BLESSES....I have to say, I chuckle myself at, so called seasoned Saints, who exclaim, Gods got a blessing with MY name on it!....Thats okay but THE VICTORY....THE OVERCOMING ASPECT OF IT ALL!....IS THAT.....GODS GOT A BLESSING WITH HIS NAME ON IT!!!!!! ......Now, thats what you need to know....HIS Name....A name ABOVE all names...You are accepted in the Beloved !....Jesus Christ is the Beloved Son of the Father.....KNOW HIM! ITS TIME ....Make every connection by the Spirit of Christ before the DISCONNECTION of things you take for granted....Pray about everything! Everything! Even this PLEA....Get out of YOU! .....And into, Him!....Hes waiting, HEIR OF PROMISE...He wants to take you to that PLACE, Hes PREPARING for YOU!.... Dont miss your FLIGHT!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:29:26 +0000

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