Listen: I dont agree with Donald Trump on everything Actually: - TopicsExpress


Listen: I dont agree with Donald Trump on everything Actually: I disagree with almost every opinion that he expresses and I dont particularly care for his delivery, either; guys your archetypal blowhard Take *that*, Donald Trump Some other thoughts that I have about Donald Trump are that despite his being kind of ridiculous, I will definitely watch any new seasons of The Apprentice (even if – and possibly *especially when* since Im a hipster – they are non-celebrity seasons). Other than his being a bit pushy, I feel like Donald (or The Donald as I sometimes call him when I dont want to be respected) comes across as being pretty shrewd within the environment of the show. UK Apprentice is obviously better and I like Lord Sugar (big bossman) a lot but he does terrible puns and please-dont wordplay but Im sure that hes aware of that proclivity and just cant stop himself whereas Donald Trump cant stop himself either but additionally seems to buy his own bullshit...yeah! So just to bring this comparison between Lord Alan Sugar and Mr. Donald Trump home: if Im handing out fake jobs like an Apprentice boss and one of the positions entails choosing the best businessperson from a group of candidates in a reality show competition, then Id probably offer that job to Trump. Hed be insulted that I was in a position to offer him a job and then hed really be put off when he found out that the other job for which I didnt find him fit was to oversee a large corporate entity because I gave that job to Lord Sugar oooh suck it, Trump you should check out what he did with Trump International Golf Links in Scotland in a TV doc called The Trouble with Trump so Ill link that in the comments just in case you cant get enough of the guy and find that his 13-second video clips that will save the Nation always leaving you wanting more Trump
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 07:00:49 +0000

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