Listen People. The rich who own the news medias and the Banks and - TopicsExpress


Listen People. The rich who own the news medias and the Banks and the military Contractors are LYING. Fox NEWS is a BRAIN WASH. Turn off your TVs and READ! this was a comment on an article on the Daily KOS about Sarah Palin holing up a F YOU Micheal Morre sign with a big ole Grin on her face(like we need someone who makes statements like that representing us and callin this a CHRISTAN NATION) Oh Please who is going to look Jesus in the eye and hold that sign.We need to reel in our Military people. Very Educated and POIGNANT How ever he did not go far enough. Chris Kyle was a sociopath who finally received poetic justice when he was murdered by a fellow soldier. The job of the military in Iraq was to kill innocent people in an illegal war. There was nothing honorable about the slaughter, displacement, orphaning, wounding, and torturing of Iraqis who had done nothing, nothing to deserve it. They were never our enemy. We made them one and are creating people who are now willing to kill us back. Go figure. The only soldiers I support are those who make it back here in physical and mental godawful stress all caused by the USA. Thats when we should support them. Now I bet you have jumped on the bandwagon of haters of Iran for their (non-existent) nuclear weapon plan, another lie being fed to the American sheep. Not one shred of evidence that Iran, who has never attacked another country, wants a nuclear weapon, which they dont, but, oh no, the media following the dictates of our government just keeps repeating the same lies over and over until people like you believe it and are willing to go over there (with Israel, et. al., of course) and slaughter another couple million. Hey, were exceptional, dont you know, exceptionally imperialistic. Heres another thing of consider: Lybia before we stepped in for so-called humanitarian reasons (NOT!) has free education and health care for all citizens, an 86% literacy rate (ten percent higher for girls there than boys and much higher than here) and was the most stable country in Africa. Now look at it...all courtesy of the good ole USA. Think of this, too...ever notice that people who tell the truth about war, the whistleblowers, all go to jail and the criminals (war criminals especially) walk free.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:16:55 +0000

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