Listen our founders based our laws our Constitution upon those - TopicsExpress


Listen our founders based our laws our Constitution upon those laid out in the Bible , and understood Good from Evil , and choices of free will given , just as given in Gods word , but the basic laws upon what this great nation was built upon and made it strong ,should still be followed , its a choice to worship believe what you wish , but its not a choice nor a right for Muslims to come here and say our Christmas our holidays we celebrate , offend them , this is America and its Americas ways and if they dont like it leave and go back to the Islamic countrys that you came from and left because of the religion you practice the laws you have the ways of your Muslim believes have destroyed , now you want them applied in America so America becomes like what you ran from , not gonna happen , go take your country back , your cowards or your so called good Muslims would not allow what is happening and been happening in your homeland since the beginning of time and the only common thread that ties all those countrys problems together is the religion Muslims practice pretty simple to see that its the cause of the evil there and now you want to bring it here , I hope and pray Americans can see this and if like me are sick and tired of your disrespect for our people , our believes , our laws, our constitution , we really dont care that you are offended by our ways , so stop pushing and trying to impose that BS , our so called Goverment my be politically correct right now but soon those unAmericans will be be gone and not soon enough for me , but the American people are sick and tired of your disrespect and we will not tolerate it but so long Goverment or not , our Goverment is suppose to work for us we the people and you people are about to awake a sleeping Giant , which is We The People and you wont like us when we raise our heads up so just a warning stop the disrespect of our people and our country , it is simple shut your mouth accept our ways or traditions they are ours and we love them and really are about feed up with you people telling us we offend you , you are a visitor we live here , this is our house and you will stop disrespecting our home , or you can leave and go where your not offended , you have that choice or keep it up and it will be a demand that you leave not by the American unAmerican Goverment but by the real Goverment , We THe People , this is our land our ways our home we have opened our doors let u in , you have now offended us in our home and we will show you to the door that leaves our home , if thats not simple enough for you people to understand that your disrespect for us will stop then you are stupid on top of Evil . God bless America
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 04:04:35 +0000

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