Listen to Dr. Ben Carson Destroy Obama for Intentionally Dividing - TopicsExpress


Listen to Dr. Ben Carson Destroy Obama for Intentionally Dividing America [AUDIO] Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 In the midst of the race-baiting bonanza over Ferguson, leave it to Dr. Ben Carson to be the voice of reason. He appeared on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show and lit into the president for dividing America. Click here to get a FREE subscription to the Conservative Tribune. reEmbed Loading... Play Button reEmbed Carson was asked whether race relations would get worse before they got better in America, given six years of an African-American president. [H/T Daily Caller.] “Well, you know, I actually believe that things were better before this president was elected,” Carson said, “and I think that things have gotten worse because of his unusual emphasis on race.” “And then the way – which really irritates me to some degree – the way he and a bunch of progressives manipulate, particularly minority communities, to make them feel that they’re victims.” “And of course, if you think you’re a victim, you are a victim.” When asked whether Michael Brown was a victim, Carson said, “Well, he became a victim, based on perhaps not having a well-established idea of how to relate to authority.” As for instances of Obama’s “unusual emphasis on race” widening the chasm of race relations, Carson was again on point. “Well, for instance, in the incident with Henry Louis Gates, Skip Gates and him calling out the police… and the Trayvon Martin case, you know, if I had a son, this is what he would look like, rather than trying to take the balanced, objective look at things.” He also talked about how Obama could have handled the Ferguson situation in a way that discouraged racial division. “In the beginning, back in August, I certainly wouldn’t have sent the attorney general [Eric Holder] to play favorites.” “If he was going, I would want him to talk to both sides. I would want him to look like he was impartial in the whole matter.” “I would certainly try to be impartial. And I would try to educate the American people about what a grand jury is,” Carson continued. “I seriously doubt that most people even know. What is the whole purpose of it? Education can stop a lot of problems, and ignorance can cause a lot of problems,” Carson said. When asked if the president played the race card, Carson replied, Yes, absolutely.” However, he also added that the president is “trying very hard not to, because I think he is aware that people are suspicious of him doing that.” Dr. Carson, who recently switched his party affiliation to Republican, is said to be planning a 2016 presidential run. With comments like that, it’s easy to see how he could be our next president. Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you agree with Dr. Ben Carson’s remarks. Share on Facebook
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 20:03:45 +0000

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