Listening to the HP series... again, something seems rather odd: - TopicsExpress


Listening to the HP series... again, something seems rather odd: the Wizarding World isnt too keen on investigations, is it? Sure, were treated to things like The Wizengamot --The Wizard High Court-- but the concept of Detectives is never illuminated. Probably because they dont exist, or rather; are so ineffective that theyre never mentioned; how many cases have we heard of during those seven books, and not once ever heard of a case report? Think back to all of those trials: Bart Crouch Jr.s, Ludo Bagmans, the accusation that Harry used a Hover Charm when it was Dobby who used it, Harrys own summoning after the Dementor attack in Little Whinging. Even events that have a criminal undertone (Like when Broderick Bode was strangled to death by some Devil Snare; a case we know was intentional, and therefore was murder in the first degree) see little no investigation at all. None. Oh, how tragic. We thought it was a Flitterbloom, but it was actually a lethal cutting of Devils Snare. Whats that? How did we not notice it kills anything it touches? Why would anyone give something like that to a Ministry Official who was *just* starting to recover under bizarre circumstances? Harry totes did magic without permission. I know it because I have no evidence whatsoever; no witnesses, no recordings, no use of the Priori Incantato spell to ascertain if the last spell used was in fact, a Hover Charm. Whats that? He said a House Elf named Dobby did it? We should summon him to give evidence? Why on Earth would we do that? Ludo Bagman, were condemning you to Azkaban because we *suspect* youve been colluding with Death Eaters. Despite the fact that youve never once been accused, suspected, or even been remotely connected to being a Voldemort supporter. No, a single eyewitness claiming to have seen you merely talking to Dark Wizards is all the evidence we need. Harry Potter did Magic in front a Muggle! To Azkaban with him! Whats that? Dementors were attacking him? Bollocks!... oh, they were there? Really? Well... so what! It was still -- Why were Dementors there in the first place? I dont know, do I?! Whats that? If the Dementors only take orders from Ministry Officials, it must have been a Ministry employee that ordered the attack? Launch an investigation before passing judgement? OUTRAGEOUS SIR. .... Its fairly depressing, really. Then theres the fact that autopsies are evidently a foreign concept to Wizards as well; considering it would have taken them less than an hour to realize that Bartys corpse was actually his mothers, and therefore he had escaped somehow. Great story... but damn, never hope for a fair trial in the Wizarding World...
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 06:07:55 +0000

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