Listening to the tafseer of the verses of surat Al Baqarah by - TopicsExpress


Listening to the tafseer of the verses of surat Al Baqarah by Nouman Ali Khan and there was this particular ayah that stood out to me subhanAllah. Ayah 72 Allah (swt) says, واذ قتلتم نفساً - When all of you have killed a person (this is part of a longer story but to get the point across I just want to focus on this point) Allah (swt) says when all of you killed that one person its so interesting because not everybody killed a person, only one person was the killer. But because there were other witnesses, and because they were refusing to get to the right answer, who does Allah (swt) declare guilty as a verdict? The entire society. If you are part of the injustice then you are pretty much part of the act, you condoned the act itself. My mouth literally dropped reading this because the beauty in the words Allah (swt) uses and how He uses them astonishes me every time! SubhanAllah how relevant is this to todays society? You dont need to be the one to physically do the injustice to be part of the injustice. So amazed by the words of the Quran subhanAllah it is so perfect and there is always something to relate to what we are going through today. May Allah (swt) make the quran the light of our graves and may He strengthen our love for the quran so we may use it as a guide in this life ameen.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:00:17 +0000

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