Lists are not standards. Standards sound like this; I want a - TopicsExpress


Lists are not standards. Standards sound like this; I want a guy who will lead his family, I want a guy who will provide for his family, I want a guy who is slow to anger etc… These have value to God and he expects these things from men. Lists, on the other hand, sound like this; I will love a guy IF he is six foot six, I will love a guy IF he has washboard abs, I will love a guy IF he makes six figures a year etc… Lists stem from a very selfish, self- centered place in a person’s heart. When was the last time God said to you I will love you IF…? Never. He loves you unconditionally . Thats why He sent His Son to die a horrific death. Jesus took your place and provided you with an abundant life. Thats unconditional love! How dare Christian women make a list and practice CONDITIONAL love when they have been given so much. Conditional love TAKES from a relationship because it is selfish by nature. Unconditional love GIVES to a relationship because its primary concern is for the other person’s edification. Remember this, taking destroys and giving builds.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:50:04 +0000

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