Litha, Midsummer, Summer Solstice Ideas Wear green, white, - TopicsExpress


Litha, Midsummer, Summer Solstice Ideas Wear green, white, blue, and yellow to celebrate the Sun and the Earth. ____________ Burn candles that are blue or yellow - as with the Spring celebrations, use candles with embedded flowers and herbs if possible. Your incense should be a Midsummer mixture of chamomile, lavender, mugwort and rose or rose petals. ____________ Decorate your altar with a green or white altar cloth and symbols of the sun and Earth. ____________ Mark the Quarters with small potted trees decorated with Sun symbols and blue and yellow ribbons. As you tie the symbols and ribbons to the trees, say something like this: From Earth below to Sun above I honour the Lord and Lady with love The fertility and warmth you bring Blessings upon me, your praises I sing For this bounty and all that you grow Accept these tokens and candles aglow Each ribbon of yellow and blue that I tie Symbolizing the bond between Earth and sky ____________ When you cast the Circle use your wand, but tie small chimes to it beforehand so that they gently tinkle and ring to appease the fey. ____________ Your Midsummer Circle is a good time to make your seasonal candles. Before the Sabbat: a.. determine how many candles you want to make - at least one for each season; b.. list all the herbs and flowers you will need; c.. make note of the colours that will work best for each candle; d.. then buy a quantity of pre-made beeswax sheets, wicks, and herbs e.. when you are in your Circle, make the candles by spreading the herbs and/or flowers onto the individual wax sheets, then place the wick on the outer edge of the sheet and roll them up tightly while saying something like this: Herbs and flowers, wax and wicks In you, the power and magick I fix When next your called and made aglow Let your power and magick flow f.. Next you need to offer them to the Lord and Lady and the fey. Try saying something like this: With these candles offered you Comes my awe for each season new Let your work be eased and light With love and cheer and flame so bright
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 08:07:04 +0000

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