Litterbugs BEWARE.. Redland City Council is fighting back - TopicsExpress


Litterbugs BEWARE.. Redland City Council is fighting back against litterbugs by installing video cameras to monitor illegal dumping across the city. Redland City Council said the cameras meant the message to anyone thinking about illegally dumping rubbish in the Redlands is clear – don’t do it, because you never know you may be on camera. “The community has told us that littering in the Redlands is not acceptable and Council has responded with these cameras to capture the unsavoury practice. “Illegally dumping large items or loads of rubbish and littering is not only a blight on our community, cleaning it up is also costly and uses resources. “Last year there were more than 350 complaints of littering and illegal dumping. That is nearly one incident for every day of the year, where Council officers have to go out and collect rubbish that some thoughtless person has dumped. “In one incident 200 litres of cement was dumped alongside a road reserve, which is a distressing act of environmental vandalism. “On this occasion, we are lucky that a nearby resident contacted Council to notify of the act, so the guilty party was found and issued a fine. There is no excuse for littering or illegal dumping in the Redlands with no cost for taking residential waste and recyclables to our transfer stations. “The transfer station fees for domestic waste were removed at our transfer stations more than 18 months ago now and yet some people are still dumping waste in our road and nature reserves, it has to stop and these cameras will help combat the issue. “Redlanders are proud of our environmental character, so I would also encourage residents to contact Council if they witness illegal dumping or littering, together we can make a difference.” Camera locations will be accompanied by a sign advising residents. The cameras are camouflaged and may be difficult to spot, so be sure to do the right thing, “This technology complements the work of Council officers who are out there undertaking proactive patrols and educating people about the impacts of illegal dumping and littering.” The new cameras follow the roll out of in-car litter cameras in September last year as Council continues its commitment of stopping people from littering in the Redlands.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:48:06 +0000

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