Little Johnny was walking down the street with his dad and he says - TopicsExpress


Little Johnny was walking down the street with his dad and he says Hey, Dad! Ill bet you $5 theres some dogs humping just around this corner! Dad considers how likely it would be, and says Youre on, kid! Once they get to the corner, they see the dogs going at it and Dad pays up. So Dad calls Johnnys teacher. Hey, my kid has this nasty gambling habit, but I cant break him of it because he never loses! Can you help? The teacher replies Ill do what I can Next day, Johnny enters the classroom. Hey teacher! Ill bet you $5 I can guess what color panties you have on! The teacher demurely declines. All week, Johnny is pestering her about betting on the color of her panties. On Friday, Johnny repeats the bet. Hey teacher! Ill bet you $5 I can guess what color panties you have on! She says Youre on! and lifts her dress to reveal she isnt wearing any panties at all! Johnny pays the money, with much grumbling. The teacher ecstatically calls his father. Great news! I made little Johnny lose a bet! The father is astounded. Howd you do that? he asks. Well, Johnnys been bothering me all week about the color of my panties, and today I didnt wear any, so he lost the bet! A long string of curses comes over the phone. Teacher asks Whats wrong? Didnt I do it right? Dad answers Just this morning he bet me $50 hed see your pussy before the day was out!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:38:08 +0000

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