Little Memories of the UK 1st edition.. 1) Upon arrival at - TopicsExpress


Little Memories of the UK 1st edition.. 1) Upon arrival at Heathrow and being met by my friends hubby Gary, he took me to an ATM machine, whilst I was trying to find my purse, I was shoving things out of my luggage and tipping them onto the floor, he was aghast and was leaping up and picking up everything behind me, yelling at me LYN! THIS IS ENGLAND, YOU CANT DO THAT HERE! leaving me to think..... omg, where have I come to? 2) Getting up early and going for a walk with Gary around the fishing lake that he caretakes and walking to the top of a hill and seeing London way off in the distance, the excitement of it all..... then on our way around, seeing a pair of white swans and their cygnets which we fed.. hoping like heck to see a squirrel but hadnt up to this time..... that moment was to come. Picking blackberries as we walked around and me having to grab Garys shirt as we went uphill and down dale.... this was the UK I wanted to see. 3)London, London, walk the streets and see all the places that you have heard and read about, ever since you were a kid, well, that was quite surreal. To walk along and see the Thames, or The Eye or Big Ben.... and you are chatting away with your friend, yet your brain is god! have a look at me, look at where I am... is this for real? Another strange concept was when I thought of all my friends over in the UK, your brain is always thinking of the UK being up there if you know what I mean and then to switch it around and think of your family and friends in Australia down there, it is very weird..... hahahahahahaha! 4)Driving over there...... omg. Let me just say that again.... in capital letters this time OMG! no sane, intelligent person should ever drive over there. EVER. You all know the drama when I picked the car up and got lost going to I wont bore you with that again BUT you guys..... you drive along their freeways and you try to negotiate your way over to the left hand lane, to keep out of trouble and the speedsters in the right hand lanes.... at last you get over there.... then a couple of miles down the road, on your left, another 6 lanes will come into the freeway and all of a sudden you are NOT in the left hand lane anymore, you are stuck in the lane in the MIDDLE of the freeway again and for gods sake, you have to negotiate your way back over to the far left hand lane again and just when you have done that... ANOTHER SIX FRIGGIN LANES ON THE LEFT WILL COME IN AGAIN and you are in the middle of the freeway again! and at this point of the journey, you either feel like just stopping the car and getting out but you know you will be killed or you just grip the steering wheel with grim determination and say to yourself, THIS WILL NOT BEAT ME! but as you are saying this, you are blubbering like a madwoman, so your are not really convincing yourself at all................. ah, the memories.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:25:17 +0000

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