Little Ms. Poe-ppet and the frogs Written by Herman Tiu Laurel - TopicsExpress


Little Ms. Poe-ppet and the frogs Written by Herman Tiu Laurel Monday, 14 July 2014 00:00 font size decrease font size increase font size Print 1 comment BS Aquino, aka PeNoy, is now in a struggle for his clan’s political life. I wrote it before and reiterate it today. PeNoy will be the last Aquino in government. I have no doubt this will be the echo of many others by 2016 or so (it takes time for truth to unfold in the minds of the dense and gullible) as my christening of Gloria Arroyo as “labandera” and then Aquino on his inauguration as president as “PeNoy” and “BS” has become common use today. After the 2013 senatorial elections I started a new term for one of the stooges that the US and the domestic oligarchs are preparing to foist on the people of these islands, “Poe-ppet.”. Let’s improve on that, “Little Ms. Poe-ppet.”Little Ms. Poe-ppet is not alone in being prepared as the next fabled stooge, the ideal stooge as BS Aquino has been. There’s this name from Mother Goose that’s so apt for one of the presidential wannabees in the Philippines, remember “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” So there, Sen. Peter who’s spreading around rumors that he has the support of the oligarchs running the telecoms, phone, power and other industries in the bag to fund his presidential run for 2016 — never mind that he’s most pickled in the tokwa’t-baboy vinegar. Then there’s that cheezy Chiz whose airheaded arrogance got one oligarch to kick him out of the running in 2010. These fairy tale presidential wannabees for all the wrong reasons — the fool’s glory and gold. The most frustrating experience I have with most Filipino political pundits is the amoral view of the selection of leaders they take. In my campaign to debunk the aspirations of the dummy candidates such as Little Ms. Poe-ppet, the Pickled Peter and Mr. Cheezy (low class is what it means). None of these wannabees have ever shown any conviction and sacrifice for any cause in the cauldron of political struggle to demonstrate any uncommon desire to serve and protect anything — except their own bubble-headed, ego-massaging illusions of glory. Back to my frustration, in my post-Kapihan sa Anabel’s informal discussion with some pundits like LInggoy Alcuaz, Joel Paredes (who’s now on the new Carambola on radio) I raise my usual campaign against the stooge candidates being put up by the “Kano” and the local oligarchs. Alcuaz, the quintessential political frogman (he dives deep into it searching for coup plots and is expert in jumping from one pond to another) angrily rejected my suggestion that Little Ms. Poe-ppet cannot win. I had to clarify that if today a presidential election is held Ms. Poe-ppet wouldn’t stand a chance against Binay or Erap. The frogman was actually saying Little Ms. Poe-ppet would win — as vice-presidential candidate. Maybe the frogman will finally get a position if and when Little Ms. Poe-ppet gets to sit on the tuffet to eat her curds and whey, all the frogmen will get their finally get their crumbs — unlike the ingrate BS Aquino. Some readers will ask, why this writer has not commented on the other announced candidate — Bongbong Marcos. For the presidency I don’t think he has the ghost of an Apo Ferdie’s chance given the still vast sections of society that are misinformed about Marcos’ legacy, which will only be reinforced with overwhelming force; and though Imelda has exerted so much effort to rebuild the Marcos’ legacy the senator has not made the impact to overcome the resistance. So who is my candidate? The truth is, as I have always said that the Philippines can no longer afford governance based on over-aged adolescents with infantile notions, craving attention the parents never gave, ego-boosting, amassing illusory glory and gold, I-am-better-than-them ego-tripping. I opt for maturity, wisdom and visionary transcendence growing out of an understanding of history and the ultimate end of things. As I mentioned above the two elder statesmen are the only options today, but if indeed we are seeking from the young then I say we can only choose from forced-to-mature-early Magdalo’s civilianized leaders or the parliamentary Left, the Makabayan Coalition. A national leader must show a track record of firm conviction and sacrifice, evidence of an overwhelming dedication to principle and vision; must have not only personality but more importantly distinct ideology, organization and movement as distinct power base. Ms. Poe-ppet, Cheezy and Pickled Peter seek the US and the oligarchs as power base. Trillanes’ (or Representatives Gary Alejano and Ace Acedillo) power base is 300,000 organized Magdalo members and growing. The Makabayan Coalition’s base almost equals the Iglesia ni Cristo, No more Cory Aquino, no more PeNoy! No Little Ms. Poe-ppet! No more stooges! (Tune to 1098am, Tuesday to Friday 5 p.m.; GNN Talk News TV, “Venezuela Triumphs” with Venezuelan CdA Yalitsa Ventura Polanco and “Lakbayan march from Tacloban” Saturday 8 p.m. and Sunday 8 a.m. Destiny Cable Channel 8 and SkyCable Channel 213, gnntv-asia. or YouTube Talk News TV (add Saturday date); visit newsulongpilipino)
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 19:06:17 +0000

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