Little fact for everyone this morning to make us all think and - TopicsExpress


Little fact for everyone this morning to make us all think and reflect... Since 9/11 more people have been killed by police in the united states than Soldiers have given their lives in the war in Iraq. Oh and p.s. whether you agree with the police in their actions or not guess who pays the bill when the family sues the police department or gets a settlement? You guessed correct if you said YOU DO the tax payers! yeah! I usually dont post things like this but I am feeling like our country is in the toilet and it has nothing to do with the president or political parties or religion or oil or even money , It has to do with ignorance and tolerance on our parts. For most people political rants end with a facebook post and that is just the way I would want it if I was in charge of all of us sheep too. So that is my modern day letter to congress/march on the capital lawn/ stand off with the police/ killing the corrupt politicians and bankers in the streets / demand of true democracy. That was a rant for sure Im just sick of seeing the things going on in this county that I love and am afraid for what it will look like for my 3 sons! Lets get off our buts!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:19:17 +0000

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