Littleton Susan Littleton updated her status: "Keep the Ethical - TopicsExpress


Littleton Susan Littleton updated her status: "Keep the Ethical Light Burning Seeking Justice for Survivors of Nonconsensual Human Experimentation Recommend At this time, we can recommend involvement, as individual citizens, in Rand Paul’s effort concerning NSA, “surveillance”, as part of a larger effort, to help to deal with the issues we have explained in our mission statement and website. This should be part of an overall effort to “right these wrongs” and “make right” current abuses. To join, access the site and sign onto the lawsuit — article below outlines his position. This may be an important opportunity for us. Please feel free to call a Kelb Board member, editor or member for further discussion. randpac/ Lawsuits: Rand Paul Recruits for His, ACLU has Filed One Rand Paul Recruits for a Class Action Against NSA “. . .Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) wants the customers of cell carriers Verizon Wireless, AT&T (T), and Sprint Nextel (S) to bring a class action against the NSA. On Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union sued the Obama Administration, demanding that a judge stop the NSA’s surveillance program and purge the call logs caught up in the sweep. The U.S. has also launched a criminal probe into the leaks by Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who disclosed details about the secret programs. The ACLU case charges that the surveillance program violates the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech, and the Fourth Amendment, which safeguards Americans against unreasonable invasions of privacy. Specifically, the case challenges Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which says the government, to fight terrorism, can compel third-party holders of your data, such as a cell phone company, to hand your data over without your knowledge or consent. At a press conference in Washington today, Paul said that 250,000 people have already signed up, through a portal on the website of his political action committee, RandPAC, to say they want to join a class action. Paul said he wasn’t sure yet whether that meant signing on to the ACLU’s case or bringing his own, as he weighed the right legal strategy with his lawyers. “To marry 250,000 and, I hope, millions of people to a lawsuit will take some work,” Paul said. He also encouraged companies such as Verizon and Google (GOOG) to sign on to the suit “to let their customers know they will stand up in defense of privacy.” Paul was flanked by representatives from privacy groups, including the ACLU . . .” Read more: businessweek/articles/2013-06-13/rand-paul-recuits-for-class-action-lawsuit-against-nsa To join, access: RandPac ACLU Seeks “Secret Court” Decisions June 10, 2013 WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of the Nation’s Capital, and Yale Law School’s Media Freedom and Information Clinic filed a motion today with the secret court that oversees government surveillance in national security cases, requesting that it publish its opinions on the meaning, scope, and constitutionality of Section 215 of the Patriot Act. That section, which authorizes the government to obtain “any tangible thing” relevant to foreign-intelligence or terrorism investigations, was the legal basis for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order revealed last week by The Guardian requiring Verizon to turn over months’ worth of phone-call data. “The ultimate check on governmental overreach is the American public,” said Alex Abdo, staff attorney with the ACLU National Security Project. “for years, the government has secretly relied on sweeping interpretations of its surveillance powers, preventing the very debate it has now belatedly invited on the wisdom and legality of those powers.” . . . “ Read more: livewire.talkingpointsmemo/entry/aclu-wants-secret-court-opinions-that-allow-nsa Kelb’s Position NSA Phone Tapping Title 50 FISA and Patriot Act We join with the ACLU and other human rights and privacy groups in opposing: Order 13- 80 (FISA Court) concerning phone tapping under FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) or Title 50 of the United States code. As we have discussed in our conferences, conversations, and interchanges, many, many of us may well be on a FISA list. We have sent our letters of inquiry to the FISA court and appeals, seeking such information. We were told that the information is “properly classified”, and this was repeated on appeal. We don’t agree. We believe that this is an abuse of the system and agencies towards us. We believe that our rights of due process and our rights under the 14th Amendment (prohibiting unnecessary search and seizure) have been violated. We believe that many aspects of the act itself, (FISA) are themselves unconstitutional. We allege that the FISA court is not a true court, but a created (not constitutionally mandated, nor intended by the founding fathers) and “secret” court, which our form of government prohibits against. As a court, never democratically voted into existence and not provided for in our constitution, we believe this “court” should be abolished. We are in agreement and alignment with the ACLU and other human rights’ groups on this issue. From the “Order”: “This Court having found that the Application of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for an Order requiring the production of tangible things from Verizon Business Network Services on behalf of MCI Communication Services, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Business Services (individually and collectively “Verizon”) satisfy the requirements of 50 U.S.C. Section 1861. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, the Custodian of Records shall produce to the National Security Agency (NSA) upon service of this Order and continue production on an ongoing daily basis thereafter for the duration of this Order, unless otherwise ordered by this Court, an electronic copy of the following tangible things: all call detail records or “telephony metadata”, created by Verizon Communication, (I) between the United States and abroad; or (ii) wholly within the United States including local phone calls. . . . “ Read more: We find this Order unconscionable, a violation of due process rights, 14th Amendment and human rights in the United States. Our organization is currently and at “first blush” recommending this course of action. We understand there is consideration of a law suit. We also, are working on a lawsuit on our issues of non-consensual experimentation and agency abuse. We recommend joining this lawsuit, (on wiretapping) if it forms. We recommend joining individually, at this time. You can refer to your Kelb membership. We support this lawsuit (currently). We recommend not going into the full abuse many are suffering, at this time. This is not that lawsuit. Referring to electromagnetic abuses and “torture” may well cause “labelling” and discreditation, which we don’t again need. If some join and this lawsuit (ph. tapping) prevails, that is a proof to use in our lawsuit against agencies’ non-consensual experimentation and abuse. The plaintiff/person now has proof the government was illegally in his/her life – due to the winning lawsuit. We then show the further abuses our group has and is suffering. This is what we are strongly suggesting, now at this very early point, concerning these national abuses and our situation. We will be holding a Conference Call very soon at a date and time to be announced on our strategy and how can we best use this new expose of abuses to our best advantage, to get the justice and reparations we are entitled to. Please keep in touch, in contact, watch the newsletter. Please call Kelb members and board members with questions, discussions, etc. Try to stay safe and to continue in survival best, Kelb, Inc. We strongly, strongly do not recommend joining any groups, who in the past — – believe many know a group to which we are referring — — in an action on this. Or to join with the national action as being part of that group. Almost every activity, groups such as this, have presented have not only failed – members have been severely discredited and labelled. We don’t need this. Our actions need to be credible, well thought out and credibly presented. As many may well remember, one “high ranking member” of this particular group presented us to the Bioethics Committee (who well could have helped us) as “millions of people” which is far from the truth and cannot be shown or proved. We were also presented as broke and homeless, which again, is not only not, the case, but “paints” us in a way, we don’t need to be “painted”. We don’t need theatrics, circuses, merry-go-rounds, or danger. We need to be credible, to work on our cause effectively, and to get this stopped. Period. The Cointelpro Today Group presents well, edits testimony credibly, before presenting and is a credible group. There are others, including Keep The Ethical Light Burning, Kelb, Inc. We very strongly recommend working with these groups if you want to get involved in action on these national abuses (NSA phone tapping). We believe, working with these groups is a way to stay credible and make progress. Thanks. Read more:"; You are receiving
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 20:15:10 +0000

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