Littlewood’s Law states that if humans are awake for at least - TopicsExpress


Littlewood’s Law states that if humans are awake for at least eight hours every day, and we experience one event or incident per second, and if extraordinary or seemingly unlikely events are “one in a million”, every person should experience an incredible moment every 35 days. The 1883 eruption on Krakatoa produced the loudest sound ever known it reverberated around the globe 7 times before diminishing. It could be heard 4,000 miles away, and people with in 100 miles had permanent hearing loss. Most of the money George Clooney makes off his Nespresso commercials, he spends on a satellite that surveils Sudanese war criminal and dictator Omar al-Bashir. Choco Pies are banned in North Korea because they were getting too popular, and Kim Jung-un feared they would cause an uprising. Because of this, South Korea packed many Choco Pies in balloons and sent them over the boarder to North Korea. A recent study found that 67% of men and 25% of women would rather give themselves an electric shock than be alone with their own thoughts. 17 people dancing to ‘I’ve Got the Power’ caused a Korean skyscraper to shake so violently that it was evacuated for 2 days. Apparently they had created the perfect harmonic for the building. A baseball player only needs to spend one day in the major leagues to earn free healthcare for life. North Korea revalued its currency in 2009. Citizens were given a week to exchange old money for new, and were only permitted to exchange a certain amount of currency, worth something like $120 US at the time. This completely wiped out savings for many families. There are still unexplored passageways in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. When asked what was the greatest political fact of modern times, Otto Von Bismarck (the man who unified Germany) responded that it was “the inherited and permanent fact that North America speaks English.” Bill Shepherd, first US Navy SEAL that became a NASA Astronaut and first commander of the ISS, was asked what he does best in his astronaut candidate interview. He answered: “Kill people with a knife” Most of the people in sound laugh tracks have passed as the recordings are so old. When we watch comedies, they are marked with the laughter of dead people. Brett Farve and Peyton Manning are currently the only NFL Quarterbacks that have beaten all 32 teams. In 1923, Jockey Frank Hayes had a heart attack and died in the middle of a race. His horse won the race while Hayes’ body remained in the saddle, making him the first and only jockey to win a race after death. Apparently, he had never won a race before. When Princess Diana was stripped of the title Her Royal Highness, a young Prince William told his mother “Don’t worry, Mummy, I will give it back to you one day when I am king.” Studies show that an increase in Facebook usage is heavily linked to decrease in satisfaction with your own life and higher likelihood of depression. Freddie Mercury once dressed Princess Diana up as a man and took her out clubbing. Nobody recognized her. A Californian couple sailed to one of the most remote islands in the world, expecting to find themselves alone for a year. Instead, a fugitive stole their boat and murdered them. There’s an island in the pacific where many of the residents are completely color blind, only able to perceive black and white colors. However, they often take a psychedelic drug which allow them to perceive colored hallucinations. Vincent van Gogh painted “Starry Night” while he was in an insane asylum. When Steve Jobs refused to give early Apple employees stock, Steve Wozniak offered them $10 million worth of his When New York City Hall was renovated in 1903, a secret stairwell was discovered, said to be used by aldermen to escape the building when angry constituents were waiting for them outside. During the 2008 world hops shortage, the Samuel Adams brewery shared 20,000 pounds of their excess hops with 108 different craft breweries, at cost, to help prevent them from going out of business. In 1996, when a man was arrested for wearing a Medal of Honor he did not earn a judge forced him to write an apology letter to all living Medal of Honor recipients as punishment. A study by an American University found that the Toyota Camry (78.5%) and the Honda Accord (76%) both contain more domestic content than the ‘American’ Chevrolet Camaro (68%). In 2012, the White House responded to a petition to have a Death Star built by stating that “the Administration does not support blowing up planets” and that it would not fund a weapon “with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship”. In the 1970s Intervision Song Contest, the Communist equivalent to Eurovision, viewers would vote by turning on lights at a given moment; power plants would measure the load to help determine the winner. In 2009, during a bar fight in Dublin, a man had his hand cut off with a samurai sword. He proceeded to punch his attacker in the face with the stump. The Austin, TX clock tower shooter left a suicide note saying he felt that there was something wrong with his brain as he knew what he was doing was wrong and couldn’t stop it. An autopsy revealed a brain tumor pressing on the amygdala. Probably best not to ask about this one...... https://youtube/watch?v=dq45VD0-y14
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 11:44:23 +0000

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