Live Life on Your Terms. You should reflect on the life you are - TopicsExpress


Live Life on Your Terms. You should reflect on the life you are creating every few months and make sure that it is sending you in the direction of where you want to head. If you dont reflect which is what happens for most, the years pass and you dont create the change needed when you stray from the path taking you to your goals and unfortunately those goals seem to float further and further away and instead of being goals they turn into regrets. Waking up in Dubrovnik this morning and being in 4 countries over the last 3 weeks, in 2 days it will be my 30th birthday. I promised myself back when I was 17 that i would hit a certain financial goal by 30 of revenue per year, I would own my own gym, I would travel the world and I would influence 1000s of people every single year with my passion to help them. I was lost for a fair few years along the way in my 20s as most people are, I was to busy drinking and partying (wouldnt change a thing though because I met some of my best mates then) to pursue my dreams. 3 years and 4 months ago, I looked ahead and my goals were fading away and I made a conscious decision to stop sabotaging my life and dreams. I still had 3 years to fast track myself and grab my goals and have the life that I wrote down, 13 years ago from today. What I am trying to say is there is no straight road to your success, there definitely will be ups and downs, you will question yourself at times, even question your sanity for the things your do. People will float in and out of your life, but the good ones stay if you are good to them, and your dreams/goals, it is never to late to pursue them. If they have started to drift away, do not regret never chasing them, you can still get them, you may just have to work a little harder, dig a little deeper and ask for a little help, but if you want them bad enough, you can achieve anything. Ill be spending my 30th on a yacht with 18 mates in a Dubrovnik, then travelling to Italy in a few days and getting married to the girl of my dreams on the Amalfi Coast with 54 friends and family from around the world joining us. I say I chased down my goals and dreams and wrote all this down years ago but I never expected it all to happen like this or be this amazing. I mention luck a fair bit to those who know me but I know it comes from preparation and perspiration, though I think it also comes from some people looking down on me and guiding me along the way. I lost my Dad a fair few years ago very suddenly and since me pulling my head in 3 years ago, I had a constant competition to try and be successful to prove to him I was worth something for a while, but I realised thats because I just wished he was still here with me and it was a way for me to communicate with him as I would talk to him daily about what I was doing and really think he answered back with certain signs that came true. I have been asked a few times why we are getting married on the 22nd of July, a Tuesday, who does that.... Well Tuesday is my Dads birthday, and I couldnt think of a better way to celebrate his birthday than marrying the one person I could never live with out. I swear that when Liv came into my life someone was looking out for me. She makes me smile, laugh, not go insane, keeps me on track and everything in between, I actually dont think there is a better person in the world than her. She is my angel. So this I guess was a long winded ramble about, never have regrets in life, follow your dreams and make sure that you are headed in the right direction, my Dad even though not here was the driver behind everything I do, I am a lucky dude who met the girl of his dreams and remember even when people have moved on and past away, they are still looking out for you so keep smiling because they are always there. Enjoy your life, you only get one of them.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 07:42:16 +0000

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