Live from WKIS (W-Keep-It-Simple) we are bringing you music from - TopicsExpress


Live from WKIS (W-Keep-It-Simple) we are bringing you music from th famous beloved Beastie Boys of New York and their not very well known Rap Masterpiece Jimmy James.... Enjoy.... From the Cap tippin it with soem savua faire and meaningful intentions of Love, Just prosperity for ALL, and festive community and pageantry and dance hopes fo rhe future.. (Ohhh yeah we all love sports too - LOL...!) ---A Just Framework.... P-) *****Antiques becomeing as popular as Base Ball cards in teh late 1980s... Awesome...! ---Start by talking to Antiques dealers about how we can walk prices down to abotu 1/10th of where they have ben at or less in order to help them make money on bulk of sales instead of hte big hit every moneth so to speak - LOL... ---Popularize vacation packages in places where antiques are popularly sold and commonly exchanged like Beacon Hill, Boston, Vermont, Maine, San Francisco, and many other places in the countries and worlds and regions of places where they are respected.... ---Have local unknown artists showcase their talents for $10.00-$50.00 in order to make a name for themselves at every antiques dealer rotating their works every month featuring a new local or national talented persons modern art plike painting, sculpting, watch and gemware making, pottery, etc. but have that as an addendum to the antiques which are veyr fun to r4esearch and talk about on a date or with some friewnds and the antiques dealers... ---Local artists in Samaratan parable and Rainbow Bridge Economics make $50,000 a year after completing High School or upon their 18th birthday.... This is a part of the naitonal welfare to enhance entrepreneurialism efforts to floodthe market witih not only plenty of money but inspired talented poeple who are often self taught.... ---After making a name for themselves each state or province etc. wihtin a country can then have up to say 5 antiques dealers recommend talented up and coming artists of modern skillful works to be given state funding and grants fo rhtei efforts recognized officially as professional artists, even musical instrument makers, musicians (who can play live veyr day even in ensamble, DJ booth, rock bands, etc. at antiques dealers facilities - gonna need bigger warehouses and or antiques stores - LOL).... these state and federally etc. recognized artists then make $100,000 annually (all pay $25,000 annual taxes and no more, not even real estate taxes, excise taxes, oil and gas taxes, cigarette taxes, sales taxes, etc. and as a result they all get full benefits).... ---Highly recommended is also a coffee and herbal tea bar and possibly dance floor in the antiques stores with a books section for casual reading and checkers and chess tables to eat apetizers and have wine cheese crackers and or cervesas at while talking shop wiht friends, a date, colleagues, the antiques dealers, etc. **Purpose = to enhance the arts and skillful crafts that truly evolve our attention to details and ability to create modern masterpieces that are of modern renown nad to also respect and learn from the ancient and modern past honorable experts who came befoer us like Dali, Picasso, Van Gogh, Yeates (W.B.s cousin for instance the impressionist painter), and other physical arts experts like musical instrument makers, sculptors like Botticelli, fashionistas and clothes designers (maybe have an inhouse seamsgtress and or taylor etc. or even a cobbler), furniture making, wood working and carpentry, glass blowers to watch live and drink some vino and discuss popular topics and romance, gemwear and hempwear experts, tattoo artists, shoe makers and hat makers, desserts and pastry experts on site f(for emergency only -LOL - maybe for other reasons too at times - LOL), bed and breakfast nearbye or attached to the emporium of antiques buildings, etc. --We grow in intellect and wisdom by applying ourselves physicall and wisely in decision makming when creating beautiful things and then we can also talk more and more expertly form our own experiences about them.... there is also a fun and festive social ease and common enthusiasm from such opportunities to get together with others and admire the hard works and dedication of artists and talk of their methods, inspirations, enthusiasms, known history, life story, traditions, likes and dislikes, times they lived in, dreams hopes and aspirations, and other inspiring and ethical htings that all kids should hear their parents talk about from time to time to bring enthusiasm to their cerative inclinaitons... This is very Good Medicine even at a Trading Postwhich heals and builds the healing enthusiasm that many poeple, artists, antiques and arts dealers and experts need to revive great long awaited and long standing traditions of new and old and bring them together with festive fun and community flavor... Scholarly discussions, debates with tomatoes thrown at the losers of the arguments by fun loving audiences, comedy nights, ball room dance instruciton, music lessons, etc. are all also recommended at these Antiques and Trading Posts and Emporiums etc. Psycholoy is now often in this new dauy and age I would say the festive way we heal and understand ourselves (always 100% therapeutic protected by all supernatural and natural karmic laws only an MK-ultra making idiot would use psychology for non therapeutic reasons meaning for war or other mean spirited dishonorable advantages - its kinda like hiding behind a nuclear weapon so they wont get punched by macho men and machisma chicks - LOL!)... ---Sociology on the other hand could then be said I would say to the the overall community wellness, healing and therapeutics which is similar to the psychology of the populations you live with and cohabitate with... They are not always the same in principles but in similar ways they can be used only therapeutically or those who hunder their smooth natural unfolding and restorative healing ways will be as always cursed by the non-sentien principles and non-sentient laws that keep our worlds from disintigreating.... Please excuse the faggot draco, dino, and some of the sirius human, two footed cetacean, and similar kings and queens that are interfering with this message they probably didnt like my ideas about Hannnibal and John Voight and Achilles and hteir friends and familiea and countrimen and countriwomen etc. (Psychoilogy anbd socilology could be said to be relatively proportional to each other in some ways perhaps - LOL).... Savvy from Me... the Cap with Love, Respect, and Kindness...! LOL.... Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....................! Get those ladies on their toes fellas and take them on a bed and breakfast antiques adventure complete with wine, dancing and song.... Whats more sacred than that - well there are a few more things to add - LOL.... ;) P-) https://youtube/watch?v=LIKsqWkwJ_A
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:55:15 +0000

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