Live in Victory!! In this “new age” we live in, it seems - TopicsExpress


Live in Victory!! In this “new age” we live in, it seems too many Christians are living if not in defeat, in uncertainty. We’ve become a body that no longer wins victories in Jesus, but the body that just goes through the motions. We walk around feeling that the only hope is when we get to heaven. While there is some truth to that, that’s not all of the truth. The fact is Christ died on the cross for our sins (reconciling or redeeming us with God). This reconciliation not only gives us the promise and hope of eternity in heaven, it is much more. It is understandable, in a sense, how our focus is on heaven. After all, that is the ultimate end, to live in perfection with God Himself. Our hearts yearn for that day when all pain and suffering will end. We look for that day when tears will be replaced with cheers. We long for that day when crutches and wheel chairs will be obsolete. We pine for the day when sin will no longer haunt our past or tempt us in the present. Romans 14:9 states, “For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living.”. Paul is telling us that Christ is our Lord here on earth, not just in heaven, but here on earth. Now, I know as you read this you are saying in your mind that you know this. The question then becomes, are you living like it? When we accept the gift of salvation, which Jesus paid for on the cross, we were completely reconciled with God. We were brought back in to His acceptance and our relationship with Him that was lost in Adam, has been reestablished. We are immediately His and His alone. Satan has no holds or bindings on our lives any more. Yet, we live as if we know we are God’s children, but under Satan’s realm and control. Even though God in His omniscience has said that Satan is the ruler of “this world” at this time, Satan is not our ruler. Yes, we live in “this world” but that is it, that’s where his power over us stops. Think of it this way. It is like our U.S. diplomats or ambassadors. They may actually live in another country, say France. Even though he is physically living in France, he is an American. And while he is an American diplomat in another country, he has diplomatic immunity. Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity and a policy held between governments that ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country’s laws (although they can be expelled). We are no longer under the law of sin that Satan rules this world with. Oh yes, we stumble but we are not bound by it. It is time for all of God’s children to wake up and stand up. It is time for us to proclaim that we are children of the Almighty! And in that capacity we have the power of victory over sin and all the things of this world.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 14:54:07 +0000

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