Live life to the full From Minute for Mommy devo, YouVersion - TopicsExpress


Live life to the full From Minute for Mommy devo, YouVersion app God desires all of his children to live an abundant life. Unfortunately, if you are like me, you get too caught up in your normal day-to-day mommy duties to think about the additional plans God has for you. You dont really race after life. You move about on auto pilot. You are happy and content, but there is something inside of you saying, Am I doing everything God is calling me to do? It doesnt matter if you are a homemaker or if you work outside the home, God may have a special project or opportunity waiting for you, but you havent allowed yourself to see it. Take a moment and ask yourself the following questions. What, apart from your family, brings you joy and happiness? What do you get excited about? What do you dream about? Maybe you have dreamt of writing a novel or painting a picture or continuing your education. Maybe you wanted to learn how to sew or play the piano. Have you taken the time to go after your dreams? What is holding you back? Is it guilt? Is it fear? It is uncertainty? We are so blessed God desires an abundant life for his children. God wants to help us realize our dreams. As long as you keep God first and your family second, you should feel secure about reaching toward what God has prepared for you to accomplish. Spend time with the Lord today. Take your dreams and desires straight to him. Ask God to show you his will. Ask him to remove any obstacles standing in the way. It is time to turn off the cruise control button. Travel like my little boy Caleb, full speed ahead, into the wonderful plans God has for you.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 14:20:07 +0000

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