Live your life as if it is today, Hold nothing that burdens - TopicsExpress


Live your life as if it is today, Hold nothing that burdens you, Material emotional.. Let it go and be happiest! This song gave me the strengths I needed to find inside in myself to not delete,but remove what psychic attachments I had to some things that werent helping me grow spiritually. Id wake up each morning starting August 1st of this year. With an attitude I had found within me in June that I was tired of feeling like shit ,and I was easy to Heal and come up. I was tired of mourning in a shadow based way. My life has been a series of events. Kinda like out of a movie. Well the producer of my dreams and I have had some good chats. Seems the rewritting of my life was about to take place cuz I had finally decided to. What all of these words above are being to said to say this. The series of events that have made me who I am right this very moment. Ive been working with kids for the past 21 years, learning social behaboirs, changing diapers, art, reading writing, ( you get the idea) in the past 4.5 years I was a on the life of a little dude that is frickin the coolest friend anyone could ever want. Anyways, so I had a good friend put I to perspective a possible purpose that The Creator had planned out for me. My past relationship had absolutely nothing to do with being about Me ( yet I grew from it significantly from it ) it was making sure that someone had an influence of healthy growth from the persepective of a guy who thinks with more than just his left side of the brain. So I hope yall can put all that togerher. As I typed all that . I sit here and giggle cuz I accept what lessons the ubivrse has ofted me and has offerd to humbly show me answers to myself and live without angwr and resentment. Dub FX - Love Me Or Not (with lyrics): either way. I love myself finally lolkinda cooln back to paperwork!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 18:45:14 +0000

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