Living On The Finished Work “This know also, that in the last - TopicsExpress


Living On The Finished Work “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” 2 Timothy 3:1 If you must survive the challenges of these last days, you must understand that there are satanic activities all around and it is not going to reduce. It will be on the increase as we climax the age but the good news for the believer is that we will begin to taste the powers of the ages to come in a dimension never experienced before; because there is a contention between light and darkness. If you must survive, you must establish and build your life, everything about you on something that has no margin for failure, something that is immovable, unshakeable no matter what. It doesn’t matter how long you have been a Christian. Remember what Jesus said when they asked Him of the signs of the last days, He said in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 “If care is not taken even the very elect shall be deceived”, if God does not shorten the time. In other words one of the strategies of Satan these last days is deception. Many will say here is Christ and lo He’s there, but He said, do not believe them. Christ means the anointed one and His anointing; in other words they will tell you here is the anointing and you will be running here and there, trying and wearing themselves out, in search of the presence of God, without been established. It is those who are planted in the house of the Lord that shall flourish. Therefore you must take a quality decision to build your life by yourself, irrespective of which direction the wind blows. Paul was speaking to the church in Corinth and he said when I came to you I did not come in the excellency of speech of man’s wisdom, but I declared to you the testimony of our Lord. He said, I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus and Him crucified. In other words, I am living on the finished work of Christ in my life; I am standing on no other thing than what Christ has already done for me. Once you latch your life and connect to that which has already been perfected, be sure that there is nothing the devil can do against you. He said I was with you in weakness, in fear and much trembling and verse 4, “My speech and preaching was not in the enticing words of man’s wisdom but in the demonstration of power. “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men” because wisdom of men has margin for failure. Beloved, man’s wisdom is failing, forecasts are falling before you like a pack of cards, brilliant people are no longer able to put things together and the centre is not holding why? It is because God wants us to build on something that will last. Refocus yourself and build to last by building on the word of God Further Reading: Matthew 24: 4 – 31 Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Jeremiah 46-47; Evening Hebrews 6 Spread the Word, Share!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 10:36:11 +0000

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