Living a CURSE LIFE many persons will not accept this and want to - TopicsExpress


Living a CURSE LIFE many persons will not accept this and want to believe that this doesnt EXIST. Many persons will always shout I am BLESS that God have bless me even though they are living a CURSE LIFE. Everything they do is according to the Tradition of MEN known as CULTURE/Religion and the work of their hands make them to be a CURSE. A Curse Life comes to us in TWO WAYS, 1. Individual place this upon us and 2. Disobedience unto God give it unto us. Now Moses the Prophet of the Lord our God told the Children of Israel that if they dont walk within the Commandments of the Lord thy God then they shall have a CURSE LIFE. And indeed their lives were CURSE within the WILDERNESS and when they entered within the PROMISE LAND. They entered the Promise Land as a CURSE ONE. The Children of Israel live and breed a life that was CURSE. When the Lord thy God CURSE is upon you, SICKNESSES/DISEASES, FAMINE, the BEASTS of the Land (Females and Males that lives within VIOLENCE) and everything belonging unto the World shall be yours. You live a life of SUFFERING, you live a life of calling unto GOD, praying NON STOP but yet there is NO CHANGE within your life. you cannot enter within the HOLY HILL of the Lord and when you turn to MAN they will not SAVE you because you are under the CURSE of the Lord thy God. Instead of being there for you, they instead add harder PUNISHMENT upon you because the Lord thy God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth all its Inhabitants have harden their hearts against you. You are living the JUDGMENT of the Lord. You become their Servants being SLAVES unto them, he who was your enemy before is now your LORD and MASTER. The Lord thy God is using this Nebuchadnezzar this KING to put the SWORD deeper and deeper within you. You are within CAPTIVITY, no freedom for your SOUL. When the foes within the Household have placed a CURSE upon you, then you can turn unto God who shall answer you. Where you shall walk in OBEDIENCE unto the Lord thy God who comes to us in the Only Begotten Son NAME Jesus Christ where you shall live a BLESSED and HOLY LIFE. If you are one who doesnt believe in God then you can turn unto MAN do what they say to do and you live within the CURSE BLESSINGS that gives unto you the Suffering and Destruction which perish you. So you shall live within the Fire and Brimstone in the Wrath of God having receive the Second Death because you have worship the Beast and his image having his name or mark upon you. You see people of the Lord, Believers of God a Curse Life is not a myth or a bible story. A CURSE LIFE is of God which is LIVE and it is sure for those who choose it. All lives unto GOD and once you choose not to do what GOD SAYS to do, then you shall live a CURSE LIFE. Adam and Eve was given CURSE because they break the Commandments of the Lord God. The Children of Israel were given Curse because they refuse to walk in Obedience unto the VOICE of the Lord thy God. Noah was bless because he done what God told him to do which make HIS SONS to be Bless as well because they listen unto their father by entering within the ARK of God. Abraham was bless because he listen and obey the voice of the Lord. He leave his fathers land as was directed and today his name is an everlasting name. Today he is where the Eagles are gathered with the Body. He is the FATHER of Righteousness where MAN (Flesh) is concern. The Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ was GLORIFIED by His OWN FATHER and His GOD because He walk in Obedience. He live within the Love of His Father. For you to be BLESS by God you must do what GOD says. For you to be taken from a CURSE LIFE you must hearken unto the Lord thy God/Lord our God. It is Him who we should worship and SERVE, Him ONLY. It is Him whom we should LOVE with all our HEARTS, our MINDS and our SOULS. Not because you have a CAR, HOUSE, CHILDREN, WIFE/HUSBAND, RICHES means that you are BLESS and that God have bless you. The Dragon who also belongs unto GOD have this to give unto HIS OWN. The difference is that all of this is CURSE because there is INIQUITY within it. There is sicknesses and diseases which is known today as LIFE STYLE sickness/disease. Unto God you are BLEMISH, a sacrifice that is REJECTED. The Servants of the Lord thy God have NO BLEMISH within them. The Servants of Jesus Christ have no BLEMISH within them, NO SICKNESS, NO DISEASE because He is the Lord who is GOD, the GOD who have NO INIQUITIES. Choose today what you seek, is it a life of EVERLASTING BLESSEDNESS where you live to be HOLY unto the Lord thy God or is it a life where you can see with your two eyes but it is one that perish you? Will you choose to live with the SPIRIT or will you choose to live with the FLESH that profit nothing? Keep within REMEMBRANCE everything you seek is within the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. All that the eyes is glittering before you that shall perish you, is within the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness where you shall be BLESS and others shall become BLESS through the WORK of your hands. Worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Seek Repentance and Remission of Sins in the Name of Christ. The TRUE CHRIST is a SAVIOUR and His RICHES are there to give unto you in a LIFE of PROSPERITY where you shall shine the Possibility of God. The things that MAN says IMPOSSIBLE you shall show unto them that GOD is a GREAT GOD because He is the LORD. Hugs
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:06:59 +0000

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