Living in Orange County when Prop 8 was on the ballot was like - TopicsExpress


Living in Orange County when Prop 8 was on the ballot was like throwing water in my face as I try to take a sip. Unlike the place I grew up (Bay Area), I was actually surrounded by a shocking amount of Prop 8 supporters - some I considered good friends in law school. Living in DC and going to a progressive university kept me apathetic to political life. Volunteered to hold a sign on a corner here and there (good lord why?!) and always made sure to vote Dem down ticket. The passage of Proposition 8 changed that - especially because it passed overwhelmingly in the OC - and I became much more civically engaged in school & in the community. Four and a half years later, I feel a twinge of nostalgia as I receive this email from the Democratic Party of Orange County. I am proud to have come from this party. Activist democrats in Orange County do not get the state and national recognition they so deserve for "going where the fight is" in moving a traditionally conservative demographic towards progressive values. To that end, I applaud and thank every single last Dem I was privileged to meet and learn from. From mentors like Melissa and Michael Fox, Hussam, and Professor Leary to best friends like Erin, R.J., Pauline, and Adel to many more people who I hold near and dear in my heart - I found a family that was dysfunctional but like minded. So even though I no longer live there, the OC will always be the place I identify as my progressive birthplace and I congratulate the Party down there for being the BEST party in the state. And even though we lose the super majority this week, it was sure nice for our "Orange Curtain" to be responsible for that historic supermajority and THAT is CHANGE you can believe in!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 22:18:45 +0000

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