Living in harmony with NATURE is of utmost importance and is - TopicsExpress


Living in harmony with NATURE is of utmost importance and is highly recomended as it both directly and indirectly provides the basic necessities of life ensuring Humanitys survival. A classic example of such is shown here (in the photos attached) where a family in Tsoi Island in New Hanover, New Ireland Province provides nesting and breeding ground/area for these Wild Fowls who lays 10s to 100s of eggs per day in the familys backyard. There are more than 20 and less than 100 Wild Fowl Birds in the area which lays eggs, and are being sold locally for K1/egg, where the family makes approximately K10 to K100 per day depending on the eggs being layed. This is a free gift from the Nature for the past couple of years and will continue in the future as long as the good relationship is being maintained by all means at all cost by the family and the community. In addition to such gifts, there are countless of means and ways in which the Nature is sustaining our livelihood. For instance; the Air we breath every moment, the Water we drink, the Sun that shines everyday, and the list goes on. Thus, let us respect, protect and sustainably use ALL Natural Resources, may it be Terrestrial or Aquatic resource stock, to ensure it sustains our livelihood today and that of our future generations tomorrow. Thank you for your time, consideration and prompt action to Live in Harmony with Nature. May God the Creator and Sustainer of this world bless you all as you ponder upon this thought and act accordingly. Cheers... (In the third photo are, from left: Esau Kabin, Will Humphries & myself).
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10:37:27 +0000

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