Living in peace is all about living harmoniously with yourself, - TopicsExpress


Living in peace is all about living harmoniously with yourself, others, and all responsive beings around you. Living in peace is both an outward and inward process. Outwardly, living in peace is a way of life in which we respect and love each other in spite of our cultural, religious, and political differences. Inwardly, we all need to search our hearts and minds and understand the fear that causes the desire to violence, for in continuing to ignore the rant and rave within, the storm outside will never settle. Whereas you will find your own meanings of peaceful existence and outward manifestations of a peaceful life according to your viewpoint and standard of living, there are some fundamentals underneath living in peace that cannot be unnoticed, such as being passive being open-minded, share judicious views and celebrate amazing life. This piece of writing provides a quantity of suggestions to help you to discover your journey to living in peace, a journey and way of life that in due course only you can be conscientious for. Seek to love, and not control others. Ceasing to seek power over people and outcomes in your life is the first major step to living peacefully. Trying to control people is about seeking to enforce your will and reality on others without ever trying to see their side of things. A controlling approach to relationships will keep you in conflict with others. Replacing a will to control with a broad approach of loving others instead, including their faults and differences, is the way to a peaceful life. Think peace before power because when power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the power gained through threat of chastisement, as you learned to be in charge of other people through intimidating behavior, deportment or actions, those persons subjected to your power will be responding out of duress, not out of respect or care for you. This is not a peaceful way to live. Learn the skills of negotiation, conflict resolution, and assertive communication. These are important, constructive communication skills that help you to avoid or effectively move through conflict with others. Not all conflict can be avoided, and not all conflict is bad provided you know how to handle it skillfully. If you dont feel that you have enough skills in these forms of communication, read widely on ways to improve them. The clarity of the message is always vital to ensure peace, as much conflict arises out of misunderstandings. When communicating with others, seek to avoid ordering, moralizing, demanding, threatening, or excessively needling them with questions aimed at eliciting too much information. Each of these forms of communication will give rise to conflict with others who feel that youre trying to control them rather than speak with them as an equal Have confidence that others around you are capable of living as good a life as possible all things being equal. In this respect, even giving advice carries controlling tendencies when you use advice as a means to obstruct in another persons life, rather than simply offering your own insights without a prospect. When we advise others, we risk assuming that we have a full grasp of the problems they are facing when, in actual fact, we usually do not and were filtering their problem from our own experience. It is far better to respect the other persons intelligence and simply be there for them, instead of trying to compel your experience as the answer for them. In this way, you will cultivate peace over umbrage; respect over trivialization of their viewpoint, and confidence in their intelligence instead of impertinent them.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:41:57 +0000

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