Living on the Edge of Time. Taking different perspectives - TopicsExpress


Living on the Edge of Time. Taking different perspectives enables us to appreciate different points of views. With different perspectives comes various feeling experiences. We change perspectives constantly, automatically, consciously and unconsciously. Like the zoom lens of a camera we hon in on what we focus on in any given moment. Becoming aware of this change of perspectives we see how it influences us feeling-wise. Physical emotions like joy, anger, alertness or boredom serve different purposes. Some more conducive than others. Beside the raw body emotions there are perspectives related to our mind, to our awareness. We can hold an expansive view or a narrow one, depending on circumstance. We can choose to hold an inclusive or exclusive frame of mind. Becoming conscious of this ability to shift between states of awareness makes us more able to perceive what’s needed in any situation. A larger, more encompassing view, lends itself to a broader understanding. Freedom to change alters our engagement to difficult proposals. We become more able to do the right thing, to shift our perspective to include the other, and to understand the situation from a greater vantage point. If we see ourselves as living on the edge of time, meaning right now, heading into the future unknown, we’ll find ourselves on a human vehicle that has a past yet free to change in a moments notice. Looking back, we’re able to journey home, to where we came from, not just individually but as a human race, to the beginning of time, at the emergence of time and space at the explosion of the Big Bang. Looking forward we’ll see an infinite space of opportunity stretching ahead. Not seared from our past but as a natural continuation of what has come before. With this connection to our past we are free to pursue a living future. Our future is shaped by our engagements and our relationships. Coming together with others in a shared endeavor to explore this common union, this unified perspective of a inter-subjective context. I hesitate to call it a context, as if it would be a static something we find our self within. Rather, it’s a joint projectory that points to a moving, ever changing, living quality of a life that never ends. This living engagement in life itself lends itself to a miraculous unfolding and discovery of a self-less way of being. Together then, is the way to evolve, to shape the future, through ceaseless engagement in what is real and what is real to be. This living is always new. Every encounter a new possibility. Not knowing is the exciting starting point for a joint exploration but with an aim to create something new together. Meditation then, is the backdrop, the silent base out of which we constantly emerge. Meditation we utilize to get used to our stillness of being. Knowing who we are, is a meditative insight and experience. Knowing who we become can be realized in relationship. Coming together generates and creates a new paradigm. A shared mutual non-dual experience that is alive to the the extent it is engaged. Ushered forward by time itself. Living from a Timeless Perspective. Resting in, and being completely at peace, in oneself. This “oneself” is far from the day-to-day busy historical person you know yourself to be. Once awake to the core of who you are, you’ll find immense rest and a wakeful attention to all things simultaneously. All things appearing as they are without any complications or misgivings. This place renders all doubt meaningless. You’ll find a natural confidence in who you are; timelessly aware. There is no confirmation of this place, nor information. It’s free from all things. You Are That. Having anchored in these deep waters you never loose sight of who you are, just as you never need to be reminded of your name once you know it. When your name is called you answer without hesitation. This ability to respond to anything and everything is natural. It is a wonderful natural ability that is quite normal, though we so many times read or interpret what’s coming our way in a incorrect manner causing untold misunderstandings and misery. Living in a timeless perspective enables you to deal with everyday matters. It also enables you to move forward in life. It fuels your intention and stays with you all the days of your life. Accustom yourself to this perspective and always fall back on it as a natural resting place, as your default. It is who you are, always, your first nature.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:29:58 +0000

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