Living paycheck to paycheck is not our destiny nor is it yours. We - TopicsExpress


Living paycheck to paycheck is not our destiny nor is it yours. We were created to live a life of abundance and prosperity. Barely being able to cover our bills even though we had followed the blueprint of what society says success should look like woke us up to the fact that we needed to take control of our lives. We took the advice of our family and got a good education and got a good job. One morning, we woke up and looked in the mirror and said to ourselves, “Is this all there is to life?”….. “wake up every morning and go to a job that we know is not our purpose in life; not what we were CREATED to do; this is not what we are PASSIONATE about!” Friday evenings we are happy, Sunday afternoons we start dreading Mondays. Who was meant to live like that? We wonder who designed a society where we are glad for Fridays and dread Mondays? The thought that we could be doing that until were 65 freaked us out and we knew right then there was NO WAY that was going to happen. There has got to be a better way! It is time to reform instead of conform. Why do we get up every day and send our kids to a school they hate? Because everyone else is doing it. Why do we go to a job we hate? Because everyone else is doing it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our education system was designed to excite our kids? What if they had equal amounts of fun while learning? We are sure they would look forward to going everyday, right? We have read books such as The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Secret of a Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker just to name a few. These books opened up a whole new world for us that we never knew existed. They taught us that whatever we put our mind to, we can achieve, we just have to work hard or smart enough. Which lead us to the question: Do we want to work hard and smart for someone else, fulfilling someone else’s dream? Building someone else’s castle? Or do we want to live life on our terms, doing work that we are passionate about, helping the people who need our help, not the ones were obligated to help? We believe that it’s time to break out of the mold of being in careers we hate and follow our passion to do something we love! The books we have read taught us that no one can become financially independent by working for a fixed income that is barely enough to pay the bills. No progress can be made doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, that is the definition of insanity. So we started looking for another way to generate more income. We knew we wanted to spend more time with our children and being able to stay at home while earning money became very attractive for us. This is what we learned from the people who became our mentors; we learned from them that the secret to being successful in anything is to: 1. Become a STUDENT of people that you want to be like. This does not mean that you have to meet them in person but there are so many books and audios and videos of them that you can read, listen and watch. Following the advice of people that already are where we want to be inevitably means that we will become successful ourselves. It’s the law of life – you get out what you put in.; to get a certain result, you have to put in a certain amount of effort. 2. Working hard and SMART One of the biggest lie that we have been sold is that we can sit and visualize, make a vision board, paste a brand new car, a mansion or a picture of anything we want on that board, then sit back and watch it come to us. No work required on our part. The REALITY is that you are going to work your behind off if you are going to accomplish anything amazing. Don’t believe the lies you have been told. Anything worth anything requires HARD WORK. Don’t forget about working SMART. We know tons of people who have worked HARD for YEARS and do not have the results that they want. Why is that? Because working hard is not the same as working smart. Working smart involves having the right MINDSET, following a system that is proven and taking the right advice from people who already are where you want to be. Don’t expect overnight riches with no work. Now, is a significant income possible with the right system? YES! If people could just be told straight up what to expect they wouldnt have outrageous expectations. 3. The PEOPLE around you are EVERYTHING We totally understand though because most of us have been conditioned to conform to a society where we go to school, get a good job and work until we are 65 then retire and live our best life. Sounds familiar? This is just another LIE that we have been sold. We are encouraged to give the best years of our lives to an employer who pays us a fixed income that barely covers our bills then retire. Stop listening to that lie starting TODAY and listen to entrepreneurs who have made a life for themselves and are living a life on their terms; no employer involved, no government shutdown worries and no waiting until 65 to enjoy the GOOD LIFE. Our MAIN purpose is to open people’s eyes to the possibilities that they probably never were exposed to or thought about. There is a mentality that we are sometimes trapped in and just to be shown another way can open us up to a whole new world. If you would like access to the same mentors, coaching and training that we have received. If you are ready to follow a proven system that has thousands living the life of their dreams. We, the AIMBA$$ADORS, are here to help you get started and enjoy life with Alliance in Motion Globals great compensation plan! If you are that person, just message us!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 13:05:22 +0000

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