Liz Stovalls Story! Much to our dismay, our 15 year old - TopicsExpress


Liz Stovalls Story! Much to our dismay, our 15 year old daughter was enamored with an 18 year old young man. Due to his age & her innocence, this was a forbidden relationship by us but the kid wouldnt give up. On Valentines Day in 2006, he walks in to Shannon Fine Jewelry and asks if he could have a Shannon box. He explains that his girlfriend is named Shannon and he was putting something together for Valentines. Without purchasing a thing, he was given the box, bag, brochures, etc. that had Shannon spelled out. He then created a very impressive Shannon display for misc. gifts he had bought her. When we asked where he got all those Shannon things he said, Shannon Fine Jewelry on 1960. I was in the market for a watch and being curious about a jeweler so sympathetic to young love, I went to the store. With their friendly and helpful service, I selected a watch with their SJ logo and it was ordered. This happened to be at a time that they were testing a logo change from SJ to Shannon. The watch came in with the new Shannon logo and I was told it could be returned if I preferred the other. I said, thats my daughters name so its fine. Tragically, she was hit and killed in an auto/pedestrian accident a couple of months later. That watch became a treasure. Many family members and friends have since purchased watches with that Shannon logo which they continue to special order for us. We have also had custom diamond heart earrings and a diamond flip flop pendant made in her memory. Family members have had antique rings and watches refurbished. Your show of compassion for young love made lifetime customers of many of our family & friends. Thank you for your compassion, your quality workmanship, impeccable service, your generosity in all that you do for our community & your support through these years. By the way, we grew to love that young man dearly but he was STILL too old for our Daughter. Congratulations on this anniversary and may you have many more! Liz Stovall
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:07:56 +0000

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