Lms Ii saw u naked? [] Woah (: [] Ewww D: [] Walk out of the - TopicsExpress


Lms Ii saw u naked? [] Woah (: [] Ewww D: [] Walk out of the room slowly.. [] AHHHHHHHHHH!!! [] Stare o.o [] Bite my lip (; [] Run -.- [] awkwardly leave ._. Would Ii date you? [] Yes ^-^ [] No [] Maybe (: [] Idk ._. If we took a picture together it would be .. [] Hugging each other (: [] Just chilling c; [] Holding hands ^-^ [] Kissing ^-^ [] Acting stupid ;b [] Normal picture c: [] Holding you from the back You are .. [] Cute (: [] Dayumm yo bomb af (; [] Adorable /.\ [] Pretty ^-^ [] Ugliestest [] Amazing If we got married .. [] Id divorce you -.- [] Make kids (; [] Take your money & bounce >:) [] I would cheat on you .. [] Be faithful ^-^ [] Run away LOL ..jk [] Take care of you /.\ [] Wont get married.. Rate? [] 1-3 [] 4-6 [] 7-9 [] 10 [] Broke my scale
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 23:25:50 +0000

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