Local Coordination Committees in Syria FSA Actions for - TopicsExpress


Local Coordination Committees in Syria FSA Actions for 4-8-2013 FSA fighters clashed with regime troops in 174 points across Syria. During those clashes in Damascus and Damascus Suburbs, FSA targeted the Fozdica canon on Mount Qasyoun with rockets. In the meanwhile, FSA targeted regime troops gatherings near Abasyeen Square with a number of mortar shells. In Adra, FSA fired a rocket at Volvo building and shelled the gas factory causing a large fire and the destruction of a number of tanks, armored vehicles and BMPs and killing a number of regime troops in Adra. FSA then took control of the factory. Moreover, FSA snipers targeted regime troops on the vehicle administration front. It also fired mortar shells on the air force intelligence branch. Further, FSA killed dozens of regime troops and destroyed some heavy machinery in an ambush near Ma’loula Bridge. In Aleppo, FSA targeted the scientific research center causing direct damages. FSA also fired Grad missiles at regime troops strongholds in the towns of Nubbul and Zahra. Moreover, FSA targeted Meng Military Airport and shelled Sadcob factory in Sheikh Saed quarter destroying four tanks within the airport with a number of locally-made rockets and artillery shells. In Deir Ezzour, FSA targeted regime troops positioned in the sports center as well as the military police, military hospital and the national museum with a number of shells causing direct damages. In al-Hasakeh, FSA fired rockets at regiment 121 to the south of the city and destroyed a number of vehicles and armored vehicles in various towns and cities across Syria.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 00:39:15 +0000

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