Logan quickly capped his flask and put it back into his pocket. - TopicsExpress


Logan quickly capped his flask and put it back into his pocket. “What the heck is going on?” “What,” Declan asked. Logan pointed. Declan, Anya, and Jerrica turned to look out the sun room windows. Zephra ran over to the window. “Is that Zayden?” Zane and Trinity followed. “Zayden and Gregory are fighting,” Declan realized. “I’ll go get some help,” Kappi offered. She ran out of the room. Phoenix dropped back onto the couch. “What could possibly have caused this?” “They’re usually such good friends,” Zane confirmed. Paul and Ryker ran through the sun room and looked out the window. Ryker pounded on the window. The boys stopped rolling around and looked. Ryker motioned for them to come in. Everyone watched as the boys stood and headed toward the house. They were both cut and scraped and bruised up. They both had holes in one knee of their jeans, revealing scrapes and cuts. Paul and Ryker left the room. “Thank you for telling us about the fight, Kappi,” Ryker said as he and Paul walked past her. Kappi nodded. Paul and Ryker escorted their sons into the living room. Paul took Zayden and placed him on one side of the couch. Ryker put Gregory on the other side. “Gregory, what is going on here,” he demanded. “Zayden, do you have anything to say for yourself,” Paul asked firmly. “Ashtyn is my girl, not Gregory’s, mine,” Zayden stated. “All I said was that Ashtyn might end up marrying me,” Gregory declared. “Do you want to take this outside again,” Zayden challenged, standing. Paul gently pushed him back onto the couch. “Nobody is going outside.” Zayden glared at Gregory. He folded his arms across his chest. Gregory shook his head and sighed. “I’d rather marry Sophie anyway.” “That’s it! Nobody is even thinking about marrying anybody until they are eighteen years of age! Are we clear,” Ryker shouted. Paul was trying so hard not to laugh. Gregory hung his head. Ryker saw the gash on top of his head. “That may need stitches.” “Listen, I’m so sorry about Zayden,” Paul began. “They’re boys. They’re going to fight. I just didn’t think they would fight over girls until they were teenagers, not ten and eleven,” Ryker said, shaking his head. Paul chuckled, but turned it into a cough when he saw Ryker’s disapproving expression. “Gregory, you are going to sit here and I don’t want to hear a peep out of you while I go get your mother,” Ryker informed him. Gregory looked at his father for a moment and hung his head once again. Zayden was still fuming. Tallullah walked into the living room. “I guess I don’t have to ask if Zayden inherited your temper.” Paul shook his head and smiled. His expression grew serious. “Zayden, you know there will be consequences for your actions here today.” “I’m well aware of that,” Zayden said calmly. Im sorry, Dad. Im sorry, Mom. “Was it worth it, beating up your best friend,” Tallullah asked. “Zayden and I are no longer friends,” Gregory announced. “Fine by me,” Zayden spat. “Boys, you will work this out,” Tallullah informed them. “You’re going to get cleaned up, and you two are going to go into the kitchen and sit at the counter and you two are going to discuss this and apologize to each other.” Zayden sighed angrily. Gregory sighed as well, only his was more of a dejected sigh. Ryker walked back into the living room. “Gregory, you’re grounded. No television or video games for a week, and your mother says you have to write a paper on the dangers of violence.” Gregory nodded. Leah walked in with her medical bag. “Bring both of them into the kitchen and I’ll take a look at them.” Paul and Tallullah walked with Zayden while Ryker guided Gregory into the kitchen. Paul placed Zayden in one of the kitchen chairs. Leah handed Paul an ice pack. “Have Zayden put that over his eye.” Paul handed the ice pack to Zayden. Leah scrubbed up and put on a pair of gloves. Ryker cleaned the gash on the top of Gregory’s head and cleaned off his knee. Leah bandaged Gregorys head. Gregory didn’t flinch. Leah cleaned the cuts on Gregory’s cheek, bandaged up his bloody knee, and gave him an ice pack for his eye. She changed gloves, scrubbed up, and examined Zayden. She cleaned and bandaged his knee. “Does anything else hurt?” “I think I did something to my elbow,” Zayden informed her. “Or maybe I did something to it,” Gregory remarked, “Gregory Alan Tenebaum, corner, now,” Ryker said firmly. Gregory stood. He walked over to a free corner and faced it. He still held the ice pack on his eye. Leah wrapped Zayden’s elbow. Im sure its not broken, but Ill have your parents bring you in for an x-ray tomorrow to be safe. “Okay,” Zayden said. He had calmed down some. Leah removed her gloves, tossed them into the trash, and went to the sink to wash her hands. Zayden spoke up. “I want to apologize to you, Dr. and Mr. Tenenbaum for my actions. Gregory just got me so riled up.” “Leah and I forgive you,” Ryker assured him. “For what it’s worth, Greg, I’m sorry,” Zayden called. “Whatever, Zayden,” Gregory replied. “I’m still angry.” “He’ll come around,” Leah promised. She tousled Zayden’s red hair. “When you boys can apologize to one another, let us know. “Dr. Tenenbaum, I’m going to do a paper on the dangers of violence, too, and I’ll turn it in to you as soon as I get it finished,” Zayden offered. “That’s very kind of you, Zayden,” Leah replied. “He’s just sucking up,” Gregory cried. “Do you want to stay in the corner all night,” Ryker asked. “I really don’t care,” Gregory remarked. “That’s two weeks with no television and no video games. If you say another word, it’s going to be three weeks,” Ryker warned. Gregory said nothing. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with him,” Ryker said, sighing. He directed his attention to his wife. “Leah, why did we have four children?” “Because my body decided to split one egg during the first pregnancy and release two eggs during the second,” Leah answered. Ryker chuckled. He put his arm around her. Paul and Tallullah remained there. “We’re really sorry,” Tallullah began. “Lula, they’re boys, they’re going to fight. This is just a normal part of growing up. Don’t worry about anything,” Leah soothed. ******** Ashtyn, Hannah, Katherine, Maddy, and Sophie were passing Zelda back and forth. “I don’t think Gregory and Zayden are coming back,” Maddy realized. “They probably found food,” Katherine mused. Ashtyn shook her head and smiled. Ryker came up the stairs to the television area. “What’s going on,” Hannah asked. “I just came up to let you girls know that Gregory and Zayden are in trouble for fighting,” Ryker explained. “They’re in the kitchen and they’re supposed to stay there until they make up.” “Oh wow,” Sophie cried. “What caused the fight,” Ashtyn questioned. “They were fighting over you, Ash,” Ryker answered. “Over me,” Ashtyn replied. Ryker nodded. “I’m going back downstairs. If you girls need anything, let me know.” “Okay, Dad,” Hannah replied. Ryker disappeared down the stairs. Ashtyn handed Zelda to Hannah. “Where are you going,” Hannah asked. “I’ll be right back,” Ashtyn stated. ******** Ashtyn walked into the kitchen. Zayden was sitting at the table. He was holding the ice pack over his eye. His arm was wrapped up around the elbow. Gregory was standing in the corner. Ashtyn sighed and shook her head. “You two should be ashamed of yourselves,” she scolded. Zayden looked up. Gregory turned around to face Ashtyn. Ashtyn continued. “I know that boys do stupid things to attract girls, because it’s in your nature, but I am not impressed! You two should know better, especially you, Zayden.” Zayden hung his head. “Look, Ashtyn, this was my fault,” Gregory began. “I’m the one that started it. Zayden was just defending himself.” “Is that what happened,” Ashtyn asked Zayden. Zayden nodded. “I’m really sorry, Ashtyn,” he apologized softly. “It’s okay,” Ashtyn replied, softening her gaze. She glared at Gregory. Gregory turned around to face the corner again. Ashtyn walked over and hugged Zayden. “Do you need anything?” “No, I’ll be okay,” Zayden insisted. “I’m going to go back upstairs, but I’ll check on you later,” Ashtyn promised. “Thank you, Ashtyn,” Zayden said gratefully. Ashtyn turned and exited the kitchen. “Greg, thank you for taking the fall,” Zayden began. Gregory sighed. “You’re welcome. I did start it after all.” “It’s no big deal,” Zayden replied. “I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry, too,” Gregory apologized. “Friends,” Zayden asked. “Friends,” Gregory agreed. Gregory walked over and sat down at the table.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 16:26:00 +0000

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