Logic is the liars kryptonite. With an availability of millions - TopicsExpress


Logic is the liars kryptonite. With an availability of millions of dollars, using Hollywood special effects, a realistic photograph or video of any fantastic occurrence can be faked. Questions: If they indeed were so successful in landing on the Moon using 1960s technology, why would they stop? With todays improved technology, why arent they still landing on the Moon? Here in the 21st century, nearly a half century since the Apollo missions, why havent bases been established on the Moon? Why arent human beings working and living on the Moon right now? Is that how technological progress really works? Is an achievement unprecedented and profound accomplished multiple times and then abandoned? Answers: The only logical explanation is that they never went there at all in the first place and that they stopped faking it because continuing the ruse was pointless and just increased the possibility that they would get caught faking it. They probably did think that they would be able to go to the Moon for real in the near future but it turned out to be just too darn hard to solve all the problems involved in interplanetary human space travel. Humans are physiologically well-adapted to life on Earth. Consequently, spaceflight has many negative effects on the body. The most significant adverse effects of long-term weightlessness are muscle atrophy and deterioration of the skeleton (spaceflight osteopenia). Other significant effects include a slowing of cardiovascular system functions, decreased production of red blood cells, balance disorders, and a weakening of the immune system. Lesser symptoms include fluid redistribution (causing the moon-face appearance typical in pictures of astronauts experiencing weightlessness), loss of body mass, nasal congestion, sleep disturbance, and excess flatulence. Most of these effects begin to reverse quickly upon return to Earth. - Wikipedia The future of spaceflight is robots. Humans are not suited for life in space and on other planets. Robots and computers are the main focus of the scientific establishment nowadays. Anybody waiting around for humans to walk on the Moon and Mars is not only living in the past, theyre living in a fictional past that never happened. FAKE MOON LANDING TOTALLY EXPOSED: youtu.be/VhLSY5Kr7hA
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:05:01 +0000

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