Lois Lerner should face jail time for obstruction and the use of - TopicsExpress


Lois Lerner should face jail time for obstruction and the use of her position to target law abiding American citizens and groups that just happen to disagree with the direction the Obama Administration is taking our country. Subpoenas should be issued for every email from or to every IRS employee who may or may not had involvement or responsibility for tax-exempt status for groups like those targeted. And - all emails between Lermer and White House officials - I havent heard if their hard-drives have crashed, too.... Average Americans smell something fishy in all of this Lost Email and Hard-drive crash obstructionism. It is time for this Administration to come clean and face the music for all of this. It makes Watergate and the Iran-Contra Ollie North/Fawn Hall shredding look like childs play. America - they misled you about the reasons behind the attack on Benghazi so they could win reelection; America - they lied to you when they said you could keep your doctors and your insurance if you liked them in order to take over Americas healthcare; America - they are obstructing an investigation into whether an agency of the Federal government was used inappropriately, if not down right illegally, to target political foes; America - they ran guns across the Mexican border in Fast and Furious and tried to mislead an investigation into the death of a Border Protection officer killed with one of these guns; America - regardless of your feelings about immigration reform and amnesty, the Administration is ignoring the laws on the books that deal with immigration and customs enforcement as well as border protection; America - the Administration just released five Taliban leaders who were caught on the battlefield for the return of one US soldier who deserted his unit and has questionable activities while in captivity - AND - the Administration ignored the law by failing to inform Congress in the required period before prisoners are released from Gitmo; America - we are in an alarming amount of debt. We continue to spend, spend, spend..... America - has the economy improved after all of this spending? America - do other countries around the world respect us more or less after six years of this Nobel Peace Prize Presidents leaderrship? America - We lost a lot of brave men and women fighting terrorism around the globe only to see things slipping back into chaos now in Iraq (a precursor to Afghanistan I am afraid if we adhere to a timetable that has us leave before the job is complete.....) America - your energy costs and commodity costs continue to increase and one has to ask Why? with all of the oil and gas we are producing; America - our largest and best trading partner and ally, Canada, has given up on working with the United States on refining its oil via the Keystone XL and will now construct the China pipeline to send its oil west so that China can refine it; Rome burns while the Emperor plays the violin / The world falls into chaos while President Obama plays golf.......
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 16:54:46 +0000

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