“Lokāaḥ samastāaḥ sukhino bhavantu! Let everyone be - TopicsExpress


“Lokāaḥ samastāaḥ sukhino bhavantu! Let everyone be blessed!” Today, 19 June 2014, Morning Message by Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji I welcome all of you with My love and respects. _/|\_ First few words about these bhajans. Understand, only when you involve, anything becomes spiritual practice. Ramakrishna says beautifully, “Under a tree, if you stand and clap, all the birds will fly. Same way, the mind filled with incompletions, if you cvlap and sing the divine name, all the incompletions will go away. Mind is like a tree, all the incompletions are the birds, if you clap and sing the name of the Lord, all the incompletions will fly away and leave you in the space of Completion.” How much ever you are struggling wtih the spiritual teachings to chisel you, see, for example, every day, you will be chiseling some part of you. If you are fortunate enough to have the trust of the Guru, Guru will be chiseling. So the parts where there have been chiseling, pain will be there. Bhajan is the healing medicine for that! Where the pain is there, where the wound is open, bhajans is the healing medicine for that. It heals. It goes on healing, healing, healing. Understand. Sometimes, for your mind to heal, recuperate, rejuvinate and start running, you need the strength of the Sacred Sentiments, strength of the belief and feeling that the Divine is with you! That connection is supporting you, the Unknown is protecting you, the God is available to you. Bhajan will give you that experience! Kirtan will give you that experience, that is why Jnanasambandar sings, exactly as Ramakrishna said. No, exactly as Jnanasambandar said, Ramakrishna said: When you sing and dance and worship Arunachala, the incompletions in the heart will disappear! Aadi paadi annamalai kai thozha ,odi pom namathu vinaigale When you sing and dance; see this line need to be understood very deeply. The word, if you understand Tamil, Annamalai kai thozha, it means, when you sing and dance and worship God, you will have tremendous friendliness. Only with friend you will hold the hand, with God you will hold the feet. You will have tremendous friendliness, that is why he says the singing and dancing will make you radiate so much friendliness, even if you meet God, you will hold His hand! You will radiate so much of friendliness, He will radiate so much of friendliness! That’s the reason I introduced this Kirtan. Even though we have this kirtan tradition for the last, from the moment I started my public life, we always used recorded CD, but because of that, we also did a mistake of never training people. So that’s why I decided I’ll bear for a few days, however it is. Aha, I will bring up all my patience and because we need to train people, otherwise, in Arunachala’s history, there is a story, a king was going around on a horse, and the horse got enlighened! Same way, with a CD, the speakers might get enlightened! I don’t want the audio system to get enlightened, I want you to get enlightened! The lyrics should be designed in such a way, the people are able to sing along with it, part of it, and only then, it becomes a spiritual practice for you. Please understand, understand this Truth, I have two part in me: which is known to you, what you call as Nithyananda, which is unknown to you, but known to Me, you call it as Shiva, God. Understand? Because that is known to Me, I am enlightened, it is still unknown to you, you call that part as God. As some time, when the known, what you call as Nithyananda, is not enough for you to rest in the space of Advaitha, you may need that Unknown’s support. You may need to heal yourself in that unknown. The Bhajan will help you in a big way to heal yourself, to soak yourself, in that unknown. I really wanted all of you to get involved, all over the world, and make each of your temple, your enter, your ashram, a bhajan group. It’s possible. It is possible. And, by depending on the record audio CD from the beginning, plus point is we had beautiful bhajans, kirtans, the minus point is we forgot to train people. Now with the live bhajans, plus point is we will train people, minus point is, we will have to bear with their training. Anyhow, one day we will have to give this training, otherwise only audio system will be getting liberated. I don’t want just the audio system getting liberated. Today is Kalabhairava Ashtami. Every month Ashtami. So from today, with the auspicious presence of Kalabhairava, let’s start this project of having Bhajan Team all over the world! Each ashram should start developing your own Bhajan team. Lyrics can be developed from here and sent, just like ISKON’s Kirtan Team, we should develop Nithyananda Kirtan Team, all over the world. Shivoham! And Nithyanandoham! This should be our Mahamantra, Mahavagya, just like ISKON sang the Hari Rama Hari Krishna in 108 tunes, our team should chant the Shivoham and Nithyanandoham in 1008 tunes! Just like Jnanasamandar was given golden symbols by Mahadeva, all the great Kirtan singers will be given the Golden symbal from Me to the people who sing in a way it inspires everyone. You should use all types of instruments, in large numbers, and inspire people with varieties of tunes and music, and no East or West bar for us; you vcan use the coconut shell of South Africa and Guitar of California. Just yeaterday in Tirupatti I have seen, a hundred villagers were doing Kirtan, just few minutes only they crossed, one team crossed us, unique combination, one guy with a flute and ten people with symbols and different loud instruments, but they were not able to take over the sound of the flute; see, usually the mild undstruments like flute and veena get drowned by the skin instruments, their music’ll be so loud, the mild instruments’ll be lost. But yesterday, the flute was so beautifully high, and all the other instrumwents were just supporting, it was not drowned at all. So we have amazing village combinations, Indian village combinations. We can use everything, from Indian village combinations to western fusions to enrich the world with Nama Sankirtana, Nithyananda Kirtana. And I wanted this also to be part of our gurukuls, Nithyananda Balavidyalaya, from the context, understand, I am clearly explaining the context. Context need to be understood completely. I am explaining the context now. Any music from which playing it comes out, it’ll take you to that plane. If a singer is screaming from a place of lust, it’ll push you to a place of lust. If a singer is screaming from fear, it’ll give adrenaline release. If a singer is singing from love, it’ll take you to a space of love. I wanted all of you to sing from a space of Anandaganda, Advaitha, so that you and everyone who hear, whole group, experiences Advaitha. The whole group experiences Advaitha. Kirtana, kirtan, to experience Advaitha. Kirtan to radiate completion. From this context, tha bhajans and kirtans should become part of our sangha. All gurukuls, all ashrams, all temples, kirtan should become part of our lifestyle. Kirtana should become part of lour lifestyle. Even if you are sitting, your whole body should be dancing! Your whole body should be involved in that sound. Kirtan never happens by... (Looks off, mumbles “Namashivaya.”) No! It never happens in that way! It should move the whole body, whole mind, whole being! Jnanasambanda’s instruction is: Adipadi annamalai koda, Sing and dance, every day if you don’t get time to dance, in the sitting posture, your body should be alive with that mantra, that sound, those words! You may not be standing, you may be sitting, but even in sitting, the body should be dancing along with singing; singing with your whole voice, body should be aloud to move with the whole sound. Kalabhairava is Lord of Dance, Mahadeva is Lord of Dance! Just yesterday, see when we were discussing about today’s Kalabhairava Ashtami, actually, today is every month Kalabhairava Ashtami, yesterday we found out, the Krishnamaksh Ashtami is the day Kalabhairava appeared, suddenly we discovered, I appeared exactly the same day! On the day exactly Kalabhairava happened in the body, means Mahadeva did the action of cutting the head of the Brahma and giving enlightenment to the whole universe because Brahma is the Creator, if Creator gets, whole world gets! Giving enlightenment to Brahma happened on exactly Mongoli month, Krishnashtami, because we celebrate My birthday always based on Nakshatra, I remembered thirthi exactly it is same! Now we have answer for many questions; so many puzzles fall in place. Make Kirtan as your lifestyle! Make Kirtan as your lifestyle! The Kirtan lyrics also should be written such a simple words, it should not be complicated, where only the two words of maximum three words and three words, then people should be aloud to repeat those three words. I myself will compose few more lyrics and give. It should become part of our lifestyle, it should become part of our lifestyle, even though we know the importance of the Kirtan from the beginning, it’s unfortunate we did not give time and attention to develop the live team. Gurukul, by the time I come back, I wanted Gurukul to start doping Morning Kirtans full-fledged, with all the musical instruments. You should compose your own lyrics, you should sing, you should have your own instrument players. Gurukul, ready? Done! So in next few days, I’ll be going around, all over Tamil Nadu accepting Pada Poojas in many devotees houses. See, about this going to the devotees houses I wanted to say a few words. House is a Katakasha, listen. I wanted to clarify this truth once for all: See you have a panschabootas, earth, water, fire, air and space. In earth and water, the gross elements, the earth and water the gross elements are responsible for the health; inside the body, the earth and water element is responsible for physical hea;th. Then fire and air, is responsible for our mental health. Understand, the space element inside us, that is where all our memories are stores. Thoughts and memories are recorded in our space element. The house we live is also a space, occupied in the house, please understand, like in a pot, the space is called Katakasha, same way, the space covered inside the pot, same way, the space inside your house is called Katakasha. Knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously, the negative thoughts, inauthentic thoughts you carry, in your house, you release in that Akasha and it stays there, so whenever you come back to the house you catch that same sickness. Understand? That is why many people are afraid to enter their own house, because every time they enter, it is as if some old pattern is covering them like layer, they just want to get out because the Katakasha is corrupt, impure, with all your fights, memories and what-not. When the Katakasha is completely impure, whenever you go back, that impure blanket just covers you. Understand? The mind you carry is Chittakasha, the house you have is Katakasha. If the Chittakasha is impure, this impurity gets stored in the Katakasha, and that makes you even more impure, like a vicious circle. It is like a pig makes the place dirty, and place makes the pig more dirty, and the more dirty pig makes the place more dirty... This is the vicious circle. How to break it? Somewhere you have to break! Two ways you can break: one, your Chittakasha, bring that to an enlightened master who is Mahaakasha, pure space, complete completion. Yesterday we were discussing with my Mahants and Sri Mahants, whoever goes into completion or incompletion, it is one person’s Completion holding this whole sangha together! It is one person’s Completion holding this whole Sangha together! Sometime people go to the peak of “I am responsible for everything, I will become Mahant!” and the low of “What is the point even to live?” It may be peak or valley, but one person’s Completion holds this whole Sangha together, alive. Please listen, Master is Mahaakasha. If you bring your Chittakasha and have one completion, what happens within your Chittakasha, you know that. Understand? Cleaning up your Chittakasha, this is one way you can break that vicious cycle. Sometime, even when you clean your Chittakasha, moment you enter your Katakasha house, you are back to square one. So making the Mahakasha enter into your Katakasha itself, means giving energy darshan to your whole house, blasting! Breaking the vicious circle, that vicious cycle, from both side, clean up the Katakasha and Chittakasha at a time, and start a new possibility. You’ll be in the high energy, so the house stores the high energy, and the more high energy makes you more and more high and the house more and more high! Breaking the vicious cycle and bringing you into the high circle is the Pada Pooja in the space. So be very clear. Breaking this vicious cycle of impurity in Chittakasha into Katakasha from both sides is the purpose, context, reason why an enlightened being, an incarnation, is brought to the house. As I said, around four and a half years, I stopped going to devotee’s house and accepting the pada pooja, due to a few stupid fools comments, but now I decided, how can devotees miss and it become these fools success? No! That should not be. So I have decided to accept. Broke around 4 1/5 years of non attendence. First time I broke in Hyderabad and accepted 4 devotees house pada pooja, and even I was moved, the amount of joy brought in their beings, I felt Oh God, it’s a long time I have withdrawn Myself from people; that should not be, that should not be, I am here to radiate and go on giving, and I should do My job! Come what may, Sun should ride, lotus should bloom, peackock should dance, birds should sing, and I should be radiating and giving. That cannot be withdrawn, that should not be withdrawn. After four and a half years, around twenty days of Yatra, all over Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, Bangalore, also. Maybe I’ll stepping into Kerala, also. One or two houses. A few houses, I don’t know the exact number now, and I’ll be accepting a few in Pondicherry, also. Already I’ve accepted Hyderabad and... I’ll be accepting in Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Kerala and Karnataka, all the four states in next twenty days. It’ll be lot of hard work, but it’ll be fun when almost 25 houses per day I’ll be visiting, morning 4 o’clock to night, 12:20 2 o’clock. But, seeing the joy of the devotees, the bliss of the devotees, anything can be done to see you guys smiling. Anything is worth to see you guys smiling. I’ll be going up to Kanyakumari, I think after four and a half years almost, or four years plus few months... I’m taking up these long drive yatras, blessing meeting up devotees everywhere, bringing tremendous healing, love, bliss, joy, on the auspicious day of Kalabhairava Ashtami starting! Lokaha Samasta Sukino Bhavantu! Let everyone be blessed! (Please forgive my poor Tamil transcribing in the words of Jnanasambandar; when I see it on another transcript, Ill edit that here!)
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 02:33:33 +0000

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