Loki fans, youll probably kill me for writing this but I dont - TopicsExpress


Loki fans, youll probably kill me for writing this but I dont care! Odin watched his adopted son with a frown on his face. The unrepentant gleam in his green eyes almost caused the old Asgardian to lose his temper and sentence him to an eternity in the holding cells, but he quieted his mid as best he could. He had to keep his thoughts straight and come up with the best course of action. Loki smirked and shifted onto the balls of his heels. “Can you not decide what to do with me father? Is sentencing me to death not punishment enough for my so-called atrocities?” the boy asked. Odin watched his son mutely considering a course of action he could take. Loki did not understand the gravity of what he had done. It was likely that he never would, not if he remained in this world. He glanced up to the ceiling and took note of the ancient patterns and murals painted and carved delicately through the stonework. One, seemingly out of place carving plated with Asgardian gold, stood out among the rest. The simplistic cross surrounded by a triple ring over lapping in the middle where that cross lay. Suddenly he knew exactly what to do with his adopted son. Sending Loki to an Earth already familiar to him would not work. The people there were already against him and would likely kill him in his diminished state. But, and Odin didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of this earlier, sending Loki across dimensions into a different universe was another thing entirely. It could work, he considered. Keeping him in the dungeons would do nothing except embitter the boy further and killing him for his crimes, while a just punishment to be sure, would never solve anything. In any case, Loki was, and always would be, his son. “No, Loki, no. Death is too quick for you. No, I have decided what it is I will do. Under the power of authorities greater than I, who spoke the universe into being from the prevailing wasteland of darkness. There will be a reckoning to your atrocities! I will cast you out, not only of Asgard, but of this universe! You will retain your immortality and you will diminish! Your place will be below the guardians of that world and you will serve them! You will bear witness to those who are merciless, heartless, vagabonds of a worse disposition than you! You will watch as mortals you so despise lives are snuffed out by the violence you wished to inflict upon them! You will be helpless and never again will you be allowed to form bonds of love and attachment! You who disregard those precious things! Loki,” Odin drew out his arm and clenched his fist for a moment before making a ripping motion. Loki grunted and felt his power diminish to a fraction of what it once was while his lifespan that he had always been so connected to, lengthened and expanded to infinity. His eyes widened as he realized what that meant. Suddenly fear, so deep and cold, colder than his skin, gripped him and froze his already cold heart. “Father-!” “SILENCE! You Loki are cast out of Asgard and the world! I condemn you to living death! Lead your cursed life and know that you can never live a wholesome one! You will hunger for love! Ache for friendship! Scream for grace! Every single thing you denied others shall be denied you! I cast you out!” and Odin thrust out his hand while calling on magic so deep and old that only few remembered it. Loki felt the breath rush out of him as his entire being was forced back, flying through the air down the throne room before everything faded and black. He remained conscious. He felt the wind through his hair as his body changed to accommodate his eternal condition. His diminished magic thrummed as he traveled through darkness with no light to illuminate the way. Suddenly a hand grasped his elbow and yanked him out of the black hole he fell through tossing him to misty cobblestone ground. Coughing, Loki looked up and paled. Great wings unfurled above him and were attached to a humanoid persona with flaming gold hair and skin, quite literally, a bronze color. He knew, in theory, that they existed in some great dimension beyond all others, he just never imagined meeting one. Oh, and he-it had a sword made out of white metal. “You are Loki Laufiesson!” it wasn’t a question though Loki had a feeling he would be forced to answer anyway. “Yes, I am,” he replied in a voice that was calmer than he actually felt. Angels were things of myths and legends, being Loki was very averse to meeting. It seemed as though, like always, fate wasn’t on his side. “Come to the gate, there is someone who wishes to speak with you,” Loki couldn’t really tell if the angel was speaking to him or not. The voice seemed to speak to him in his head, echoing throughout his thoughts, and shaking his newly eternal being to the core. I am now one of them, Loki realized, I, too am eternal. If what the Allfather said was true, he couldn’t die not through conventional ways at least. No death by arrow, no suicide, no relief from an eternal estate. He would linger on, forever diminished from his former glory, watching the turning world around him as he silently cried for comfort. Loki shook out his windswept hair and stood, noticing that his wrists were free of their previous bonds. Apparently, Odin wasn’t worried about him hurting anyone. The angel guided him with a big hand to an ivory gate. Another humanoid being stood there, though this one seemed more human than the angel whose iron grip threated to hurt Loki’s shoulder. This new individual looked up at him and revealed a pair of strong brown eyes. His shoulder length brown hair tumbled around his head in a breeze Loki hadn’t felt. His skin was a caramel color, something Loki found interesting. He was dressed in a white tunic, simple, but white enough to hurt his eyes. A broadsword was strapped to his side and hung there seemingly weightless. Was this person another angel? “You are Loki of Asguard, part Jotun and part Asguardian,” he spoke like he already knew the answer and was reminding Loki for his own benefit. Loki almost winced. He had to go and remind him about his dual lineage? “I am,” he replied feeling like he had to fill the still air with his voice. “King Odin has banished you from his universe and I find that I have need of you in another if you accept, that is,” the man said with little preamble. Loki had to give it to him, he at least got to the point, unlike Odin who always felt the need to make long speeches in order to make a point. He scoffed none-the-less. “I am a cursed relic, diminished from my former glory and condemned to a lifetime of endless wandering. Why would you have need of me?” he asked. He was genuinely curious, he was surprised to find. Loki couldn’t, for the life of him, understand what this entity needed him for. Said entity didn’t seem troubled by his question. In fact, he seemed almost amused by it. “You have a chance to redeem yourself and have your powers returned and your life returned to normal if you wish to take up my offer, that is.” “My father-.” “Is not all powerful, Loki. He can invoke the ancient magic, but it is I who am master of it,” chided the white-clad man gently. Loki watched him mutely, his lips pursed. How was this possible? All his life he believed that the ruler of Asguard was all powerful and all-knowing. That he, or she, who ruled Asguard had the entire universe at their fingertips. “Who are you, to claim to be greater than Odin, the Allfather?” he asked. The man didn’t seem fazed, troubled, worried, or offended by the question. Really, Loki was beginning to think that there was little that angered him. “I am, that I am. Three yet unified as one. The first and the last. The beginning and the end. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Where you go, they will call me Islingir.” Loki believed him. There was no reason to really. As he prolonged the conversation between this man, this Islingir, the more he got the impression that Islingir didn’t need to resort to trickery to get what he wanted. If he was who he said he was, he wouldn’t have to. This man made things happen or allowed them to happen or nudged events in the direction he wanted. He wouldn’t just see the past, present, and future, he would see everything; every possible direction events could take. “If I refuse? Surely I am not the only choice you have to aid you in whatever you need done?” Loki asked. “You are not the only choice, but you are the best choice. Before you were born, I saw this destiny for you. I saw every possible outcome of your life and chose this as your best course. You have the most to offer, the most to gain, and the most to lose. I could choose another, for there are others, but you are the only one can, and will, produce the best possible outcome,” Islingir replied. Loki felt many things at hearing this. He was feeling used, most of all, like his life was for the gods to play with for their own amusement. He felt, just a teensy bit, flattered at being not only the first choice, but the best and most wished for choice; something he never had in life from the Allfather. Also, there was another tiny flare of curiosity that wanted to know just what this job was going to entail and how it could lift the curse the Allfather placed on his soul. “And what, exactly, have you chosen me to do? What are you expecting me to accomplish?” Loki asked. “Besides you gaining salvation I am calling you to guard a very important elf woman who will shape the destiny of her people and her world. An evil far greater than anything you have allied yourself with in the past, stirs on Earth and the elf woman will need help to fight it. Darkness follows her around like a lingering shadow and I am asking you to protect her from that darkness lest she succumb to its snare. Should that happen, even your world will not be safe,” Islingir explained. Him? Protect and possibly rescue an elf girl from darkness? Loki laughed at the thought. He, of all people, was the least qualified to protect anyone from anything! “You may laugh, but know that you are fully capable and more so than others,” Islingir stated. “How? I am seeped in darkness and yet you want me to protect this girl from it?” Loki asked with a hint of hysteria in his voice. Islingir shrugged. This humbled Loki a bit. After all, how many people claiming to be the God of all things actually shrugged? It was such a… relatable thing to do that Loki couldn’t help but feel dumbfounded at having witnessed it. “Everything is up to you, Loki. You do not have to take on this mission and you may not even accomplish it. With that being said, I would hope you do. You have the capacity to achieve great things and I wish to give you that chance. If it is any consolation, should you decide to go, I have every confidence that you will succeed.” Loki didn’t want to feel heartened or hopeful, but the emotions flickered through him anyway. He did think over the proposition, though. There wasn’t really much of a choice. In the great game of things Loki had two choice hands to take. He could take the hand Odin had dealt him and lead a cursed eternity where he lingered on in a diminished state of being, unable to die, unable to live. He could watch the deeds of those greater than him torturing and murdering mortals as he had attempted to do. It would be an existence where he could not form any sort of lingering emotion towards anyone be it hatred or love. He would be alone. This hand offered by Islingir was a different sort. He would still have his curse, but if he completed his mission it would be enough to redeem himself for his past crimes and break the curse Odin placed on him. Loki saw this as a means to an end, a way to shed himself of an eternity stuck in an unchanging stance. Besides, he mentally smirked, once he re-acquired all of his powers he would simply take over this Earth. He spread out his arms in a defeated gesture, “Alright, I’ll take your bargain. What must I do? What darkness am I to protect this little elf from?” Islingir suddenly looked amused about something and Loki wondered what caused such amusement. He didn’t think he said something, anything that would invoke such amusement. “The princess is currently living a covert life, recently discovered by the wizard Mafortion. Before you are ready to protect her, you will spend some time among the elven hunters to become familiar with the workings of that world. The Head Huntress is Artemis ven Turthin daughter of the once-king Zeus and Queen Leto. The princess has been cursed with a never-ending darkness that searches for her by a Raiphahim named Ba’al. He wishes to corrupt her and marry her. You will prevent this,” explained Islingir. And Loki wondered if Islingir was mentally deranged. What in his father’s cursed name made him think that he wouldn’t corrupt little miss elf princess himself? The trickster mentally cursed again at the amused look that flickered onto Islingir’s face a second time. It didn’t occur to him until later on that Islingir actually knew what Loki was planning. “When do we start?” Loki asked. The self-proclaimed God of the Universe smiled and placed a tan hand on Loki’s shoulder. “Now,” and he threw him over the threshold of the open gate. Granted, Ill probably lose interest in it before I can even publish it.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 21:17:01 +0000

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