Lol...Dont you love it when someone will private message you with - TopicsExpress


Lol...Dont you love it when someone will private message you with a complaint, then block you so you cant respond? Well, I am going to publicly reply in hopes our mutual friends will relay the message. Number 1. My writings, are just that, they are MY writings, therefore, I write about whatever I choose. Number 2. Ill be the first to admit, I dont always get it right. Sure I misspell a word from time to time, I even misuse words occassionslly, but I also impress myself at my choice and placement of words when I become creative. But, I dont care and am not obsessed with getting it perfect to keep you from having a mental collapse because your focus is geared at my mistakes. Number 4. Punctuation? Gee, really? You really need to tone it down with all of this mental chaos going on inside your head. So what if its not perfect? Im not losing sleep over it, so get over it already. Call the punctuation police, get a lawyer, then seek help, because if thats all you worry about, then its my opinion you need therapy in a serious kind of way.......Stop hating! Just be happy....
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:53:24 +0000

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