Lol. Kiddos remain kiddos. Thirenthathe jenmum. :) One day youll - TopicsExpress


Lol. Kiddos remain kiddos. Thirenthathe jenmum. :) One day youll look back and know how stupid you look. and btw if you wanna compare then keep comparing and remain retarded. peace out. no use fighting with people like you. its obvious. low mentality people It was never bout the likes and stuff. you still talking bout getting famous through likes? Dayummmmnn man. Just proves my point totally. keep it up. keep proving me right. ;) Scared? haha. I aint the one putting up status by tagging others for support and putting up childish challenges. Why no challenge 1000000 likes straight?? Oops! Youre not that famous?? Anyhow I DONT GIVE A DAMN BOUT YOU AND YOUR LIKES. GET A LIFE BRADER~~
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 12:55:27 +0000

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