Lol keep on posting!!! Here share this to!!! You are only digging - TopicsExpress


Lol keep on posting!!! Here share this to!!! You are only digging a deeper hole for yourself with him!! Lol I dont need to do anything! And you can tell EVERYTHING you know!! Who cares because you dont have crap on us!! Lol you may think you do but I promise you dont!! You dont scare me!! What you gonna tell about things He was doing in the past? Lol I doubt they waste their time with that! We dont do anything now for you to tell!! So tell away! Why dont you tell them how you and her were drawing welfare for her son while he lived with us during the school year!! Thats federal there ole girl!! Or how about you trying to claim him this year on taxes and I tell them we had him from august to June? Wanna do that? Keep it up with all the postings about your own son!!! Go ahead and tell them how sick he is also!! Ever think of that? Maybe thats why some work hadnt been getting done lately? Oh Im sure you have already told the world!!oh yeah and what the heck have I asked for that didnt go my way? Ive not asked you for anything but a door lock and for you to erase the lies you posted for the world to see!!! So what do you mean Im psycho when I dont get my way? You mean you are? Also He knows everything I have done!!! I even already told him that yes I had thoughts of hitting you the other day!! So its not new to him!! Lol you txted him like he didnt know. Im sorry but anyone in my position prolly would have done it already. Also you are stalking me. Lol obviously!!!!! You share every post I put out!! I keep my page public for A reason. Lol unlike you who had to go back and unblock me just so you could see my post!! Get over it and just leave me alone. You started all this by not erasing the damn lies you posted and now its gotten this far. I told him I wouldnt press harassment charged as long as you quit harassing me. But obviously you cant do that. One more post I see about me or Him and I WILL press charges on you. So keep going. Your own son is going to hate you before long!! Hes real close now. Why you gotta keep pushing it? Now Im going to be the bigger person here like he asked me to do and let this be my last post that even concerns you. You are not worth our time or energy anymore!! Obviously you cant do anything he asks. So I will. Have a good day!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 23:26:38 +0000

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