Long-Post Alert! I have been waiting to share the full story of my - TopicsExpress


Long-Post Alert! I have been waiting to share the full story of my magical experience with Tori on Saturday night in Kansas City. Most of you know that I finally got to meet with her the day before in St.Louis. It was an 18-year dream now realized. We had an instant and undeniable connection that was beyond my greatest expectations. Tori has been known to connect with her fans this way. Still, this was as if we recognized each other. There was a knowing that I cant really explain. We had a lovely visit and exchanged some amazing energy. (For those of you who dont know, I work with energy, auras, and the chakras). I have been working for months to being Tori just the right energy. Too often, people take hers, abuse it, and never really replace it. It was important to me to deliver only the purest, loving, and positive energy to her. I believe that this is exactly what happened. I was surrounded by nothing but the most incredible people while waiting to see Tori (5 1/2 hours). Once she came out to greet us, the abundance of energy almost made me queasy - hard to ground myself to stay present. I was fourth in line, and the moment Tori turned to me, took my hands and said, Hello Angel... I just relaxed and the extra energy was gone. She became very soft and ever more loving. We shared a special conversation, and I passed along two very special gifts (that belonged to me). She was so very touched at their significance and promised to take care of everything. I also gave her a letter, which she read the next day in Kansas City. I told her that it was nothing but love and light. She was very appreciative, and she gave me blessings as Our time came to an end. The show that night was amazing. At the time, I did not believe that I could possibly have a more thrilling experience live. Early Saturday morning, we hit the road for Kansas City. I made it early enough to be fifth in a Meet & Greet line that ultimately surpassed 80 people. Five hours later, Tori and I got to pick up where we left off. She remembered me. We shares a lovely hug and continued to talk for a bit. I asked her if she was feeling Weatherman, and she smiled as she wrote it down in her notebook. She wrote my first and last name underneath it and told me that she was going to read my letter before the show. She said that she had read soooo many the day before, most of it heavy and tragic. I promised her that she would smile and feel nothing but love and light. She was very appreciative and excited. She also signed a piece of paper for me to later become my one and only tattoo. (She decided that the didnt love the first one so she signed twice.) As Tori wrote, I told her that yesterday had easily been one of the best days of my life and that I had to go home tomorrow. She looked and Mindi (her Tour Manager and assistant) and Mindi told me to meet her by the Stage Door at 6:30. We talked a little more, and she brought up The Wisdom of the Crone cards that I passed along to her the day before. She smiled and said, we will take care of you, dont you worry! And she gave me the tightest, longest hug before saying goodbye for now. Two hours later, I met with Mindi as instructed and received one front row, key-side, ticket from Tori. Many good people who I had gotten to bond with along the way, also were upgraded that night. It was so very special. I have always said that my seat did not matter - that just being there was enough. I never expected to be up there with her like I was. The energy was really powerful. I could see Tori so clearly. I studied her hands - her beautiful, magical hands as they followed her up and down the piano. I could see her beautiful face just as clearly as I had earlier. The setlist was incredible - each song leading into a bigger one. We made eye contact many times throughout the set. As I have said, I opened myself up to her energy wise, and there was a clear path in which it traveled. Tori has said that she thrives on the energy from her audience. I have no doubt that the felt the collective loving vibe. I felt like, particularly toward the end, she positioned herself in a way to draw from me. This, of course, is my intuition and not necessarily hers). I projected with all my heart. If energy could be seen as a color, there would have been a golden thread of light connecting us. It is still there. With only one song left, I was hoping to her Tori go into Weatherman. Instead, she started into 1,000 Oceans. I had what must of been a slight drop on my heart. However, when I realized that she was locked in on me, I began to understand. She sang so deliberately, and looked at me in such a way so as to say, I changed my mind, but this is better. Listen. Listen! I cant believe that I would keep, keep you from flying, so I will cry a thousand more if thats what it takes to sail you home, sail you home, sail you home. I began to weep as I realized that this was for me. In the letter that she read before the show, she read about how I honored my dying father by giving him forgiveness and asking for it in return. She read about how I gave him an Eagle necklace, which represents Great Spirit. She knew that I put it around his neck and gave him permission to fly. I shared this beautiful story with Tori because I knew that it would mean something to her. I know that she values story. I told her that my dad sends me Eagles, and that he is free of the burden of a human body. He can be anywhere he wants to be. As Tori finished the song, she could see me crying. She knew that I understood. Just to be sure, she came over to me and held both of my hands for what seemed like ten seconds. She smiled at me, squeezed my hands, and blew me a kiss before brushing one more hand next to me. And then she was just gone. No amount of money, fame, or status can buy that kind of connection. I am now a part of Tori, and she is a part of me. That kind of bond, however quickly established, cannot be duplicated, lost, or taken. Many people will not understand this. That is okay. Thank you for reading it. I did nit write this to be understood. I write to share about an experience that will most certainly carry me through a lifetime. The unspoken exchange between me and Tori gives me more love and light than I thought possible. Knowing that these connections exist is the most amazing thing in the world to me. I would never discount Toris ability to do this with other people. She is fully capable of this. I have seen it again and again. I am grateful to have had these opportunities. I have met some incredible people who will undoubtedly share with me, an experience again. Thank you to my ever-supportive husband, Aaron Borg, and to my new and loving friends - Dominic Geinosky Pioter, George Grey, Amber Rose, Karl Luce, Mackenzie Britton, Samantha VanDeman, Amanda Hubik Anzaldua, Lori Christie, and Anne Guillory!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:10:58 +0000

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