Long Post Alert! Soooo...my friend posted a before and after - TopicsExpress


Long Post Alert! Soooo...my friend posted a before and after pic today showing a before picture from before she was a coach. After I looked at it I thought...hmmmm...I wonder how far Ive come from back when I hit my heaviest? I dont normally pull those pictures out and look at them so I honestly didnt know how my pictures would compare. I was pleasantly surprised when I put them side by side. Its hard for me share these so please no negative comments. I believe you should love yourself no matter what size you are, but Im definitely happy I was able to shed those extra pounds. Ive always been very athletic and I used to always yo-yo diet to stay thin. I always knew that if I worked out really hard and starved myself for a week I would drop back to my regular size (I couldnt find a good picture of me before I gained all that weight about 3 years ago...I put one of my Hawaii snorkeling ones there so you can see where I started.) After that Hawaii trip during the holidays that year I gained 15 pounds in 2 months. My before picture in the collage is from a mission trip I went on in Brazil the summer after I gained all that weight. It was like it came out of nowhere. I remember during those holidays I was running 3 to 5 miles every other day and couldnt drop the weight. Actually during my mission trip to Brazil I was in the middle of my first round of Insanity. I remember getting so strong but I still didnt drop the weight. What I learned was that I couldnt rely on just exercising to change my body. Thats when I really started getting into health and fitness. My after picture is after my first 21 Day challenge group. I dropped 12 of that 15 pounds I had been fighting for the last 3 years in that first month. And since then Ive managed to not only keep it off, but lose even more. I had all the skills and knowledge I needed to succeed. But what made the difference for me was finding a support system to make sure I knew the real reasons I wanted to lose weight and get healthy. Plus finding Shakeology which is the healthiest superfood shake Ive found has really helped make the transition so much easier because it curves my cravings. So for me the answer was healthy whole food nutrition + workouts + accountability + superfoods = success! The reason I decided to become a coach is because I want to pass on what Ive learned and share the programs that have helped me when I felt nothing else would. Now Im not here to preach to you and say that this is the only thing that will work for you, or that you even need to change. There are so many programs that work and so many things you can do for free that work. What Im saying is that I tried alot of those other things...I tried it on my own at home for free...and it didnt work for me. What I do now does. So maybe it might be just what youre looking for. Im really excited because Im starting my 21 Day challenge again and then next month Ill be transitioning into the extreme version of it! I cant wait for the end results. If youd like to go on this journey with me or just want to learn more then email me at aprilrungrumpy@gmail or message me (I may not respond until tomorrow cause Im sleepy!) Also, Ill be giving a little something extra to the first 5 people who commit to doing this with me before the end of January. Thanks for taking the time to read about my journey! Have a great night everyone!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 03:42:40 +0000

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