Long ago in the recent past,a discovery was made by a - TopicsExpress


Long ago in the recent past,a discovery was made by a brilliant,but not very smart scientist.In studying the human genome He found that there were two distinct groups of people according to DNA studies.These two groups of people have lived in constant conflict with one another.Neither group has ever been able to completely subjugate the other and down through the centuries somehow they still have managed to live together despite terrible turmoil.The first group,and probably the oldest,is the Messies.This group just cannot tolerate the constant yelling at them by the second group the Neaties.In spite of their major differences and multiple conflicts,these two groups have often ended up marrying someone from the other group,thus resulting in daily conflicts,as the first group is quite content with their surroundings,while the second group is constantly wanted to straighten them up.Often one hears statements such as: This room is a pigsty,how can you live like this? Signs have been made announcing such things as My room.My mess,like it of leave it. This conflict is usually found in the different generations,as the older Neaty tries to change the behavior of the younger Messy.However it has been discovered that oftentimes the traits of the younger Messy simply went away as they grew older,even some studies show a transition from their DNA group to an adaption to the Neaty group.This phenomena is still being studied.The major area where most of the research has gleaned the most information,is in the intermarriage of the groups.Totally disregarding warnings from within ones own group,a person marries someone from the other group,thus resulting in constant conflict in the home.Cries are heard such as How long are you going to leave that there? to Cant you pick up after yourself? or Do I have to do all the work around here,cant you pitch in,this house is a mess? which is often meant with a response like What mess,it looks fine to me?Down through the ages this turmoil has resulting in simple treaties such as the If you clean up your mess,I will... The will is often not for sharing.The solution to this dilemma may be worked out eventually,but as research goes on,it is obvious that the Messies and the Neaties are just going to have to co-exist and pray for the peace of the home,after all someone cant change their DNA can they?
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:16:54 +0000

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