Long day here peeps! Goodness....... Surgery went well. Haise - TopicsExpress


Long day here peeps! Goodness....... Surgery went well. Haise has been back up on the ward for a few hours now. He has had the vomits though hence me posting this update quite late! Dr Stalley once again performed miracles on the leg! Harrison has had the original plate reattached with new screws at the top. He has had another metal plate attached to the back of his femur with more screws....and then......he has had the allograft or donor bone grafted to the top of femur and wired into place. Crazy! Dr Stalley described his leg as Fort Knox. He said it should be even stronger then when he left the operating table in June. Hallelujah! It was a very long morning waiting for H to be taken to theatre. We luckily didnt have 12 hours to fill in this time round. Surprisingly the operation only took a few hours. I was quite surprised when Doctor Stalley called well before 5pm. We have been moved up to the orthopaedic ward where Haise will be on bed rest for the next couple of days. We have everything crossed he will be able to venture outside in a wheelchair by Monday - Christmas week will be so much more enjoyable outside! Haise had his first bit of fresh air today - we can open the doors to outside in this ward which is lovely. He is on morphine for pain relief which is making him a bit itchy but manageable at the moment. They have just given him some more anti nausea meds so I hope that controls the vomiting. Tonights vomiting has certainly been impressive! Its been awhile since I had to help any of the kids with projectile......... ;) He does however have to remain on a monitor as long as he is on the morphine.... which means every time his oxygen level drops below 95% the machine goes crazy - think it will be a very long night with beep after beep after beep........ this boy of mine is very, very tolerant. Im sure we will have more info in the morning about how long he will be on bed rest and when we can get excited about moving again. We are so happy for him that the operation is now behind him. What a completing draining few weeks...... sure we still have a bit of yuck to get through in the next couple of days with pain and discomfort. Wish I could take it all away from my beautiful boy and do it for him. As you would expect..... Haise is just rolling with it...... certainly not enjoying the situation at the moment but just getting on with it. Thanks so much to all of you for your love, support and checking in regularly throughout the day. Its been another trying time for the Morton 5 thats for sure. More info tomorrow! Much love, Em xxx
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:36:27 +0000

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