Long one today... (Sorry) Just some thoughts... Sometimes you - TopicsExpress


Long one today... (Sorry) Just some thoughts... Sometimes you miss the little things about life. Playing outside, Saturday morning cartoons, breakfast after church at Grandma and Grandpa’s, big Christmas celebrations with little gifts that meant the world, riding bikes, obstacle courses from the torn up sidewalks, toys that seemed indestructible (until you lit them on fire-yep), crying until you couldn’t breathe for losing a toy that the next day you totally forgot about, laughing for no reason… and until you got to a point no sound was coming out, water fights that included the entire neighborhood, listening to the grandparents tell stories about things, taking naps (especially the ones where you fought to stay awake), sneaking an extra cookie (even though Mom knew you took it), playing H.O.R.S.E. with everyone (and Pop letting us win), candy at the U-Wag-Um on 2nd street, friends that just wanted to be friends... Too many really to mention them all. Just those special little memories that became moments. I would wonder sometimes how my parents pulled it all off while doing all the things we find ourselves doing now… Work, responsibilities, early mornings, late nights, shopping, cooking, school, cleaning, driving all around and so much more! Then it hit me, like it did this weekend… They simply made time. They made time to make sure we understood that no amount of anything would ever get in the way of letting us know we mattered. That no matter how busy, how tight money was or how stressed they were it was us that took it away (even when we got on their nerves). I do miss the little things about those times... but I am finding out that the little things about that life were the big things that created my values, my work ethic, my desire to be everything I can possibly be for my kids, my family, my friends, my co-workers and myself. That those little things are why I am so blessed now. That those little things are what influence the big things to matter that much more, and we get the chance everyday to instill in those we share life with what that truly does mean. So that one day all those that matter so dearly in this moment will sit back and think about us... and miss the little things about life. Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:08:01 +0000

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