Long over due update on Ed, Lets start from the port placement, - TopicsExpress


Long over due update on Ed, Lets start from the port placement, Ed as always flew through the procedure and was let go 30 minutes after surgery. Yes I know, my husband is super man right. What yall dont know is after surgery Ed and I started tearing down the old goat barn. Oh yes we did ! I wasnt about to let Ed do the work by himself. I have found if I am iffy about what Ed is doing then instead of saying you cant do that or not letting him do things it is far more reasonable to just go out and help him. That way I get to keep my eye on him and take some of the work load off of Ed, and he appreates it ! Chemo day ....Ed was feeling tired and worn out I knew he did to much Thursday but he tells me dont stop me now I have to do it! Ok so he dose it! They give Ed his premeds and he get the benderal and Stairiods . After the pre meds Ed says Im super man ...you have to understand Ed has been feeling like those dog gone allergic reactions was coming back before we did chemo. Well the pre meds must of pushed it back...Ed felt better then he had before his treatment and he drove me home ! Yes he did! Then he came came home and was supermen and did more work around the ranch and went out to dinner and Ed ate like a horse. Yesterday I could tell the chemo was starting to catch up to our superman. He was still working put a vent in bedroom to install the furnace for the first time in our living her ...our partner in crime was here helping as always thank you Dave McAlexander your Da bomb! Ed made it through the day but the chemo also was wearing on him. Ed fell asleep on the couch. Today Ed is wore down he is tired and and not feeling well..he is in bed right now as I type this out. Im glad everyone is late and its semi quite in the house. I dont know if yall know that there are shirts that yall can get to show your support for Ed ..the link is floating on Eds and my FB page. If your interested you can check the link out... Eds In It To Win It
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 17:03:40 +0000

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