Long post but PLEASE READ! A few days ago this Michelle Malkin - TopicsExpress


Long post but PLEASE READ! A few days ago this Michelle Malkin article was posted on this site. Talking about a data collection/assessment program called TS Gold. Heres the link again, m.townhall/columnists/michellemalkin/2014/10/10/look-whos-data-mining-your-toddlers-n1903149?utm_source=thfbp&utm_medium=fbpage&utm_campaign=thupdate We have been told over and over that no data collection is happening in AL, but this letter says differently. THIS IS IN AL FOLKS at the preschool level now! children.alabama.gov/uploadedFiles/File/GOLD_instructions.pdf Here are pics of schools/centers in AL that received this grant from TS Gold! (See below) Here is another article. It is also discussing inBloom, which we know is now out of business, but read the part about TS Gold dcclothesline/2014/10/15/roll-hitler-youth-movement-common-core-invasive-data-mining-children/ Yes, its talking about Colorado but now we have this proof that TS Gold is in AL. Is this what we have to look forward to? Most Colorado parents have no idea of the conspiracy that is on track for full implementation by the 2015-2016 school year. The Colorado version of this insanity, being implemented by TS Gold with a $30 million dollar grant, measures the “whole child.” The whole child is education talk for complete and data mining invasiveness which measures children’s social compliance to authority as the central theme. The term, the “Whole Child” means that TS Gold and InBloom are not just testing are for “literacy, mathematics, science and technology, social studies and the arts,” but also for “developmental domains including social emotional, physical, language and cognitive development.” Students are rated and recorded on their ability to do things like “respond to emotional cues,” “interact cooperatively” and “cooperate and share ideas and materials in socially acceptable ways.” Under TS Gold, teachers are subjected to extensive training, at a time when they cannot keep up with the unproven protocols being imposed upon them by Common Core. One of out three teachers are leaving the profession within five years of starting in the profession. This program will only serve to exacerbate the problem of teacher attrition. And as if the relentless gathering of data was not enough, now Colorado teachers are being forced to upload student observational data derived from video and audio recordings as well as from teacher observations. The information is stored on “the cloud” and parents are unable to find out who has access to their children’s data. Is the data secure? How long will the data be stored? The data storage is often referred to as P 20. This means that this data mining of our children takes place at least from preschool through their entry into the labor force. Certainly, this give educrats such as Bill Gates the opportunity to access the data and devise unproven programs to sell back to the states in which opportunists such as Gates can make even more money. With regard to the violation of student privacy and the usurpation of the parental authority, parents are acquiescing to this illegitimate authority. Today, 42,000 Colorado children are subjected to this tyranny. In the 2015-2016 school year, every child in Colorado will be fall under this totalitarian umbrella that Hitler and Stalin would be envious of. At least one Colorado parent is not on board with this tyrannical violation of children’s rights. Aurora, Colorado parent, Lauren Coker, actually discovered that TS Gold assessors in her son’s public preschool had recorded information about her son’s trips to the bathroom, his hand-washing habits and his ability to pull up his pants. When Coker was not able to opt of the program because that would threaten the revenue stream to the school from Common Core, she had the good sense to pull her child from the school. Coker has tried unsuccessfully to get her son’s data removed from the cloud that the school uploaded his data to. Are they just doing a pilot of TS Gold in AL starting at the preschool level? Will they add more grades as theyve done in other states? Here is Governor Bentleys tweet today! (See picture below) Read this! Linking TS Gold Standards to AL First Class Preschools! children.alabama.gov/uploadedFiles/File/First_Class_Plus_Grant_2014.pdf You decide! What say you? Please give us your feedback!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:58:30 +0000

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